Use fabric strips to jazz up some flip-flops. Pick any type of fabric you like, and cut strips that are roughly an inch wide and 6-inches long. The number of strips you need may vary depending on shoe size and how you want them to look, so have plenty of fabric on hand. To create an interesting edge, use pinking shears to cut your fabric strips. Tie each strip to the top part of the sandals using a plain knot. Continue until the flip-flops are the way you want them to look.
Raid your sewing drawer for some odd buttons, or purchase a bag of cheap buttons from a craft store. Using glue specially formulated for flip-flop use, glue the buttons along the plastic thong of the flip-flops. Use buttons all the same color for a uniform look, or get eclectic with buttons of different colors and sizes. Alternately, decorate your flip-flops with one large and colorful button at the "Y" portion of the flip-flops.
Girls aren't the only ones who like decorating things; involve boys in this craft too. Glue small toys, blocks, figures and plastic animals on to flip-flops for a more masculine look. Lego blocks and figurines, dice, game pieces and small plastic dinosaurs or other animals look cool glued on flip-flops. Use little decorative cars if they are small enough. Look in old board games that you don't play anymore for fun game pieces to use.
Ribbons, Feathers And Flowers
Purchase ribbon that matches or coordinates with the color of your flip-flops. The ribbon should be about the same width as the straps on the shoes. Glue ribbon over each strap of the flip-flops, then embellish the ribbon with artificial flowers or feathers. Use small artificial flowers and carefully glue them on top of the ribbon, or use individual feathers to decorate your flip-flops any way you desire. Trim the feathers so they are not too long.