- 1). Clean out the cabinets. Even though they are new, they should still be cleaned before storing dishes in them. Sawdust and other dirt from installing the cabinets have likely collected on the shelves of the cabinets. Spray the shelves down with a cleanser and use a damp cloth to wipe them clean.
- 2). Line the shelves of the cabinets with shelf paper. The shelf paper will provide a cushion for the dishes against the hard surface of the cabinets, helping to prevent chips. The paper will also prevent stains, dings and scratches from developing inside the cabinets.
- 3). Sort the dishes into piles. Group items together that are related to one another -- cups with cups, bowls with bowls, and plates with plates. Also, sort the piles based on items that are used every day and items that are used for special occasions.
- 4). Determine how often you use specific items. The amount they are used will help to determine the cabinets in which they are to be stored. Also, determine which cabinets make the most sense for different items. For example, plates should be stored near the stove and glasses should be stored near the refrigerator.
- 5). Store the special occasion dishes and glasses on the top shelves of cabinets. The dishes and glasses that are used on a daily basis should be placed on the lower shelves of cabinets. Place dinner plates on the lowest shelf and bowls on the center shelf. Place glasses upside-down in the cabinets, preventing debris from collecting inside. Place the most often used cups on the bottom shelf and mugs on the middle shelf.