- 1). Measure out the hemp string to twice the length you desire for either a necklace or a bracelet. Add two extra inches to that length and cut the hemp string with a pair of scissors.
- 2). Measure out another piece of hemp string that's 10 times longer than the piece measured out in the step above and cut the length with a pair of scissors.
- 3). Fold each string in half and hold both strings together at the fold. Tie an over hand knot by bring the fold around the strings to create a loop. Bring the fold up through the loop; if done right it will look like a noose. Pull the knot tight.
- 4). Tape the knot made in the step above to a flat surface using scotch tape. Examine the combined strings; you should have two central base strands and two longer working strands, one on the left of the base strands and one on the right.
- 5). Bring the right working strand over both base strands and under the left working strand. Bring the left working strand under both base strands, up and over the right working strand. Pull both workings strands to tighten the knot. Repeat this step 14 more times.
- 6). Add a bead by stringing both base strands through the bead hole. Pull the bead as close to the upper knot as possible. Repeat Step 5 15 more times and add another bead. Repeat this process until only 2 inches remain in the base strands.
- 7). Finish the necklace by adding one final large bead, small enough to fit through the starting loop made by the knot in Step 3, but large enough that it wont slip out. Preform an overhand knot to secure the large bead in place with the remaining base strands. Cut any extraneous hemp strands with a pair of scissors.