Technology Electronics

Samsung Blackjack Tools

    • The PDA is a small handheld computer.pda image by Eric E from

      The Samsung Blackjack is a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) style phone. With this small, handheld computer several tools and applications are available to organize and communicate. Some advantages of the Samsung Blackjack are its full QWERTY keyboard and 1.3 megapixels camera; Samsung has since improved upon the very popular design with the Blackjack II.

    Dashboard Applications

    • According to the PC World review, the Blackjack comes with Windows 5.0 OS for Smartphones installed as a desktop application. There are also dashboard applications available so that you can have widgets---icons that, when clicked or interacted with, performs set tasks---readily available for such tasks as playing media, giving weather reports and stock tickers. In the Blackjack, there are a few downloadable dashboard applications, but there are even more available with the updated Blackjack II.

    Games and Social Media

    • The Blackjack comes with an array of messaging options as well as games---both of which are free on some carriers' plans. MSN LIVE messenger, AIM, and Yahoo messenger come standard on it and make messaging almost effortless. A host of JAVA games are installed and free to play with more option available for download for a fee. Internet Explorer---executable via either WAP or 3G---allows mobile web surfing as well as full-connectivity to such well-known social media services as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.

    GPS and Maps

    • Tools for the Blackjack are available that can tell you where you are and where you're going. With the convenience of a web browser, Google, Yahoo and Mapquest, among others, offer mapping and locating services. Choose to download applications that turn Blackjacks into navigation systems; it all depends on the service provider chosen. When using these applications, though, be aware that they use data and charges may be applicable depending on your phone plan data exchange rates as explained on My Blackjack 2.

    Media Players and RSS Readers

    • The Blackjack has a myriad of multimedia apps and players as well as RSS streaming capabilities. states a number of services in this category: 25 stations of satellite radio for a low subscription, downloadable music from practically any iTunes-like website, and the ability to stream premium video from a number of satellite channels through its mobile TV capability.

    Syncing Tools

    • The Blackjack readily synchronizes with Exchange Outlook; in addition, it comes with the flexibility to choose from a plethora of email clients. Direct Push, IMAP/SMTP and POP3 protocols are a few notable ones. The standard Bluetooth makes easy work of connecting to other Bluetooth devices such as headsets and BT-enabled phones. Additionally, it comes with USB connectivity for downloading/uploading music and other data between devices and to/from a PC or MAC. It also has a slot for a microSD card. The USB and flashcard make synching, storing, and retrieving a simple task.

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