- 1). Download the latest Oracle database from Oracle's website. The website is linked in the Resources section. Choose the newest stable release for your version of Microsoft Windows. The database is split into two downloads; download both files.
- 2). Create a separate Oracle directory on your computer.
- 3). Unzip the files into the Oracle directory you created.
- 4). Run the setup program to install the database. Choose either the Desktop Class or Server Class setup option. The Desktop Class option provides simple and fast installation but offers only a few configuration options. The Server Class option takes longer to install and is complicated, but it gives you many options to configure the database to your specifications.
- 5). Enter the path for your Oracle main directory when prompted in the setup process. The directory name should be one-of-a-kind to prevent system errors. The directory name should be "ORACLE_HOME."
- 6). Follow the instructions given by the Oracle Universal Installer very closely. The installer provides tailored instructions for your specific installation and will prompt you when action is required on your part.
- 7). Prepare the environment to start SQL*Plus by following this sequence:
Open a command prompt by clicking on the "Start" button followed by clicking on "Run." In the "Run" prompt, enter "cmd" without the quotes and press the "Enter" key.
Navigate to the Oracle directory you set up earlier using this command at the prompt:
Start SQL*Plus by entering this command: C:> sqlplus userid/password
SQL*Plus then will connect to the database, and you can begin to query the Oracle database directly from the interface.