- 1). Cut the glycerin melt-and-pour soap base into small pieces no larger than 1 inch. This will help the soap base melt quickly and evenly.
- 2). Fill the measuring cup with the soap base. The amount of soap base you need will depend on the size of your soap molds.
- 3). Fill a cooking pot halfway with water. Place the pot on the stovetop, and use a candy thermometer to bring it to a temperature range between 150 and 170 degrees.
- 4). Place the measuring cup into the hot water. Check to ensure that the water does not come close to the brim of the measuring cup, because you do not want water to get into the soap base.
- 5). Allow the soap base to melt. Use a spoon to stir it gently while it melts, but do not stir too often or you will create air bubbles in your soap.
- 6). Wear oven mitts to remove the measuring cup from the water once the base has melted completely; stir one last time to ensure that there are no unmelted chunks remaining.
- 7). Add your choice of soap dye and fragrance oils to the soap base. You will only need two to three drops of each. Stir to mix the dye and fragrance into the soap base.
- 8). Pour the soap base into your soap molds. Allow the soap to cool completely and harden before you remove it from the mold.