- 1). Add a toolbar to IE toolbars by selecting what additional toolbar you need. If you need the StumbleUpon toolbar, you would go to StumbleUpon and select download toolbar.
- 2). Allow the toolbar add-on to download. Close IE and reopen.
- 3). Look at the toolbar and you will see the StumbleUpon toolbar added to your IE toolbar.
- 1). Point the mouse over "Tools" in the toolbar and click. This is found at the right bottom of the IE toolbar.
- 2). Move the mouse down to "Toolbar." This opens a new box that displays all of the toolbars showing or not showing. If the toolbar is checked, it appears on the toolbar. If the toolbar is hidden, it will be unchecked.
- 3). Uncheck the toolbar that you want to lock out or hide from the IE toolbar. If you want to hide the StumbleUpon toolbar, remove the check next to it in the toolbar window box.
- 4). Enable the lockout in the warning box that pops up. To make the toolbar reappear in the IE toolbar, place a check next to the StumbleUpon toolbar and click enable in the warning box that pops up.
Adding a Toolbar
Locking Out a Toolbar