- 1). Remove any base molding in the room before you begin to install the bamboo flooring.
- 2). Measure 5/8 of an inch from each wall and snap a chalk line to mark this distance all the way around the room. You will be laying the bamboo on these lines rather than flush against the wall to accommodate for natural expansion of the planks due to humidity or change in temperature.
- 3). Spread enough wood flooring adhesive with a notched trowel to lay three to four rows of flooring starting at one of the chalk lines.
- 4). Set the first plank into the glue so it is lined up with both of the lines in one corner of the room. Press the plank firmly into the adhesive. Build off of this plank horizontally until you have completed the first row. Use a miter saw equipped with a carbide tip blade to cut the last piece of bamboo to fit on the end of the row. Continue to lay the bamboo until the adhesive has been covered while staggering the end joints of the planks to create a stronger floor.
- 5). Spread adhesive and lay the planks in sections until the entire floor has been installed. Do not walk on the floor for 24 hours to give the adhesive time to set.
- 6). Replace the base molding to hide the 5/8-inch gap between the bamboo floor and the walls.