There might be more than a dozen ways to get your ex back but think about this before you take action.
How well do you know your ex? Why did I ask? It's simple, really.
There might be tactics that worked for others but there is no guarantee that it will work on your ex if you aren't careful so be careful when taking advice from just any other source.
At the same time, there are some tactics that will work on practically everyone and that's the reason for this article.
Human beings are known to be the smartest creatures in this planet.
But that is like a double edged sword because we can use it on the people in the know, psychology could also be used to convince someone (like your ex) to do something as long as you know what buttons to push.
Here are four tricks that you can use to get your ex back: - Exes always keep tabs on you even if they were the one who broke up with you.
If you will continue to do things the way they would expect you to, then they will feel that they made the right decision because he/she just knows you all too well.
Surprise him/her, and do something different.
Make sure it's productive and something that will intrigue him/her.
Email him/her - Don't call, you will just give him/her an opportunity to reject you.
With email, he/she will surely read it.
Thank your ex for everything including the breakup.
He/she might not answer but this will shake their confidence and believe me when I say they will contact you in that same week if not immediately.
Date around- Your ex will never admit it but he/she still thinks you're his/her property.
Oh, one more thing, date someone that would make him/her insecure.
Someone taller if he's short, or someone who has brown hair if your ex was blonde, you get the point.
The basic thing here, is that this person will get your ex thinking, and will make him/her think you are unhappy with absolutely everything about them, which will happen once your ex sees that your new "date" suddenly has absolutely nothing in common with them, and of course your ex will compare themselves to this person Remain friendly but don't get too close - Teasing your ex would drive him/her nuts.
Continually send mixed signals, and never let your ex know exactly what it is that you meant, or are doing, or are going to do in the future.
The challenge of having to suddenly figure out what you are all about will make your ex feel highly interested and intrigued by you again.
How well do you know your ex? Why did I ask? It's simple, really.
There might be tactics that worked for others but there is no guarantee that it will work on your ex if you aren't careful so be careful when taking advice from just any other source.
At the same time, there are some tactics that will work on practically everyone and that's the reason for this article.
Human beings are known to be the smartest creatures in this planet.
But that is like a double edged sword because we can use it on the people in the know, psychology could also be used to convince someone (like your ex) to do something as long as you know what buttons to push.
Here are four tricks that you can use to get your ex back: - Exes always keep tabs on you even if they were the one who broke up with you.
If you will continue to do things the way they would expect you to, then they will feel that they made the right decision because he/she just knows you all too well.
Surprise him/her, and do something different.
Make sure it's productive and something that will intrigue him/her.
Email him/her - Don't call, you will just give him/her an opportunity to reject you.
With email, he/she will surely read it.
Thank your ex for everything including the breakup.
He/she might not answer but this will shake their confidence and believe me when I say they will contact you in that same week if not immediately.
Date around- Your ex will never admit it but he/she still thinks you're his/her property.
Oh, one more thing, date someone that would make him/her insecure.
Someone taller if he's short, or someone who has brown hair if your ex was blonde, you get the point.
The basic thing here, is that this person will get your ex thinking, and will make him/her think you are unhappy with absolutely everything about them, which will happen once your ex sees that your new "date" suddenly has absolutely nothing in common with them, and of course your ex will compare themselves to this person Remain friendly but don't get too close - Teasing your ex would drive him/her nuts.
Continually send mixed signals, and never let your ex know exactly what it is that you meant, or are doing, or are going to do in the future.
The challenge of having to suddenly figure out what you are all about will make your ex feel highly interested and intrigued by you again.