- 1). Check the phone line for a dial tone. Make sure that the line sounds clear, and contact your phone company if the line crackles or does not offer a dial tone.
- 2). Restart your computer, and try to connect again.
- 3). Click "Start," then "Control Panel." Choose "Classic View" in the left column.
- 4). Double-click "System." Click the "Hardware" tab. Select "Device Manager."
- 5). Double-click "Modems" to expand that category. Double-click your modem.
- 6). Write down and troubleshoot any errors reported under "Device Status." Click the "Driver" tab if Windows reports that the device is working.
- 7). Click "Uninstall." Verify that you want to uninstall the modem. Restart the computer when prompted.
- 8). Reinstall the modem when Windows restarts. Allow Windows the opportunity to detect and to nstall a supported modem, or insert your installation disk and manually add a modem via "Phone and Modem Options" in the Control Panel.
- 9). Check your modem manufacturer for an updated modem driver, and install it through the modem's properties in the Device Manager.
- 10
Return to the Control Panel. Double-click "Phone and Modem Options." - 11
Click the "Modem" tab, then double-click your modem. - 12
Click the "Advanced" tab, then select "Change Default Preferences." - 13
Click "Advanced." Modify the Data bits, Parity and Stop bits settings under "Hardware Settings" to your dial-up Internet Service Provider's (ISP) recommended settings. Input eight data bits, "None" for parity and one stop bit otherwise.