Has your girlfriend just left you? Do you want to get her back? If so, you will need a strategy for getting your ex girlfriend back.
Let me tell you the story of Jim and Irene.
Jim and Irene had been dating for about a year and a half.
They appeared to be a happy couple that was deeply in love.
Their friends thought it was just a matter of time before they got married.
However for the last few months, Jim was putting in long hours at work to get the promotion he had been seeking and working so hard for.
So Irene was left taking a backseat to Jim's work.
After a long days work, Jim was left with very little time and energy to devote to his love Irene.
This did not please her at all! She thought she was losing him.
So to get back at Jim, she starting seeing another man.
He wasn't really her type, but at least he paid attention to her.
When Jim found out he was enraged and heart broken! This led to a major fight and Irene walked out on him.
She said she couldn't be happy with a man who put his work first.
Jim tried to explain that it was only temporary, but Irene wouldn't listen.
Well this didn't sit well with Jim at all.
He loved Irene and wanted her back.
He was brilliant at work, but now had to use his talents to develop a strategy for getting your ex girlfriend back.
Jim thought about it for a while and then developed this 3 part strategy for getting your ex girlfriend back.
Strategy #1.
To get his ex girlfriend back he knew he was going to have to change.
He knew that he had to spend fewer hours at work and also become more of the man his ex girlfriend wanted.
So he reduced his work hours, and started working on himself physically and mentally.
He exercised more, changed his hairstyle, and started reading the same books that Irene was interested in.
He wanted Irene to admire him for his physique and mental acumen.
Strategy #2.
He wanted to make Irene a little jealous.
Jim had always found Irene's friend Carol fascinating and alluring, so he asked her out on a date and she accepted.
Jim then called Irene, seeing as how they weren't dating anymore, and asked her if she wouldn't mind giving him some inside information on Carol, such as her likes and dislikes, and what types of food she really enjoyed.
Needless to say Irene was furious.
His strategy for making her jealous was working.
Strategy #3 Jim wanted Irene to realize what a mistake she had made and what a fantastic guy he was.
So on his date with Irene's friend Carol, Jim was punctual, impeccably dressed and groomed, and even brought her a single rose, just like they do on TV's "Bachelor" shows.
Carol was impressed.
They dined at a quiet romantic restaurant and shared a wonderful evening together.
After their date, Jim walked her to her door, gave her a long memorable kiss, and then said good night.
The next morning he sent a dozen roses to her office with a card saying, "I had a terrific time last night, I hope it was magical for you too!" Carol couldn't' wait to call Irene and tell her what a fabulous time she had with Jim.
How could she ever have dumped such a fantastic catch? After her conversation with Carol, Irene broke down and cried.
She now realized that she had made a horrendous mistake.
Her new boyfriend was definitely not her ideal man and she missed Jim tremendously.
She was now determined to get Jim back.
She called him and asked him if they could meet for a drink or cup of coffee after work.
He reluctantly agreed.
They met at a local bar and she poured her heart out to him, begging him to forgive her for making such a foolish mistake.
Jim also stated that even though work was important, he would never let it become his top priority again.
He cared for her deeply and didn't ever want to lose her again.
Let me tell you the story of Jim and Irene.
Jim and Irene had been dating for about a year and a half.
They appeared to be a happy couple that was deeply in love.
Their friends thought it was just a matter of time before they got married.
However for the last few months, Jim was putting in long hours at work to get the promotion he had been seeking and working so hard for.
So Irene was left taking a backseat to Jim's work.
After a long days work, Jim was left with very little time and energy to devote to his love Irene.
This did not please her at all! She thought she was losing him.
So to get back at Jim, she starting seeing another man.
He wasn't really her type, but at least he paid attention to her.
When Jim found out he was enraged and heart broken! This led to a major fight and Irene walked out on him.
She said she couldn't be happy with a man who put his work first.
Jim tried to explain that it was only temporary, but Irene wouldn't listen.
Well this didn't sit well with Jim at all.
He loved Irene and wanted her back.
He was brilliant at work, but now had to use his talents to develop a strategy for getting your ex girlfriend back.
Jim thought about it for a while and then developed this 3 part strategy for getting your ex girlfriend back.
Strategy #1.
To get his ex girlfriend back he knew he was going to have to change.
He knew that he had to spend fewer hours at work and also become more of the man his ex girlfriend wanted.
So he reduced his work hours, and started working on himself physically and mentally.
He exercised more, changed his hairstyle, and started reading the same books that Irene was interested in.
He wanted Irene to admire him for his physique and mental acumen.
Strategy #2.
He wanted to make Irene a little jealous.
Jim had always found Irene's friend Carol fascinating and alluring, so he asked her out on a date and she accepted.
Jim then called Irene, seeing as how they weren't dating anymore, and asked her if she wouldn't mind giving him some inside information on Carol, such as her likes and dislikes, and what types of food she really enjoyed.
Needless to say Irene was furious.
His strategy for making her jealous was working.
Strategy #3 Jim wanted Irene to realize what a mistake she had made and what a fantastic guy he was.
So on his date with Irene's friend Carol, Jim was punctual, impeccably dressed and groomed, and even brought her a single rose, just like they do on TV's "Bachelor" shows.
Carol was impressed.
They dined at a quiet romantic restaurant and shared a wonderful evening together.
After their date, Jim walked her to her door, gave her a long memorable kiss, and then said good night.
The next morning he sent a dozen roses to her office with a card saying, "I had a terrific time last night, I hope it was magical for you too!" Carol couldn't' wait to call Irene and tell her what a fabulous time she had with Jim.
How could she ever have dumped such a fantastic catch? After her conversation with Carol, Irene broke down and cried.
She now realized that she had made a horrendous mistake.
Her new boyfriend was definitely not her ideal man and she missed Jim tremendously.
She was now determined to get Jim back.
She called him and asked him if they could meet for a drink or cup of coffee after work.
He reluctantly agreed.
They met at a local bar and she poured her heart out to him, begging him to forgive her for making such a foolish mistake.
Jim also stated that even though work was important, he would never let it become his top priority again.
He cared for her deeply and didn't ever want to lose her again.