- 1). Place a piece of tracing paper on top of your picture.
- 2). Trace the inside oval or circular shape of the vignette with a pencil onto the paper.
- 3). Place a compass or an object that's a similar, but larger, shape than the vignette's circle or oval onto the tracing paper and trace a larger circle or oval around the vignette shape. Keep in mind that the larger shape should not be larger than the photo itself, because you do not want to see any gaps between the mat and your photo.
- 4). Cut out the larger circle/oval shape from the tracing paper.
- 5). Center the circle/oval tracing paper shape on top of the backside of the uncut photo mat.
- 6). Trace the outer edge of the circle/oval with your pencil onto the mat.
- 7). Place a piece of thick cardboard onto your work surface and center the mat onto it, backside facing up.
- 8). Cut out the middle of the traced circle/oval with a box cutter or a mat cutter.
- 9). Brush any rough edges inside the cutout shape of the mat with the smooth side of an emery board to even them out.
- 10
Flip the mat over so that its backside is facing up. - 11
Center and tape your picture to the backside of the mat. - 12
Place the matted photo inside a frame that fits the mat.