- 1). Buy some embroidery string at a craft store. You will want at least three or four colors for your bracelet. They shouldn't cost more than $1.50 for each color.
- 2). Measure out a piece of string for your bracelet by wrapping a piece of string around the person's wrist for whom you are making the bracelet. Triple the measurement and cut the thread.
- 3). Use your cut string to measure the length you need for the rest of the colors you are using in your bracelet. Cut them so they are the same length.
- 4). Hold all the strings together. You should have four. Tie them together in a knot at the top.
- 5). Pin the knot to your pant leg with a safety pin. This is the most common way to make the bracelet. If you don't want to put a hole in your pants, you can always tape the knot to a table. This will hold the string still and maintain tension while knotting.
- 6). Think about your strings as numbers. The string on the left is number one. The string to the right of it is number two. The next string to the right is number three and the last is four.
- 7). Take string one and tie a knot onto string two with it. You do this the same way you tie your shoes.
- 8). Use string number one to tie a knot around string three. Continue using string number one to tie a knot on string four. You now have a whole row completed.
- 9). Note that string number one is now on the far right. The row is complete, and string one has become string number four.
- 10
Take your new string number one and tie a knot in each string to the right of it until you get to the end of the row. - 11
Repeat this process until the bracelet fits your friend's wrist. Periodically hold it up to your friend's wrist to check the fit. - 12
Tie a big knot at the end with all four strings. Tie the bracelet on your friend's wrist and cut off any excess string.