- 1). Cast on three stitches. Work in knit one, purl one rib until it reaches 8 inches. End on a wrong side row.
- 2). Begin increase.
Row one (right side) - knit one, (knit one, yarn over, knit one) into next stitch, knit one -- you will have five stitches.
Purl row two and all wrong side rows.
Row three - knit two, (knit one, yarn over, knit one) into next stitch, knit to end -- you will have seven stitches.
Continue as established, increasing two stitches in center stitch of every right side row until there are 23 stitches. - 3). End with a wrong side row. Slip the stitches onto a stitch holder. Repeat for the second ear flap, but don't put stitches on holder.
- 1). Remain on same needle as your second earflap - cast on eight stitches.
On the next row, knit across the stitches you just cast-on, the 23 earflap stitches, cast on 19 additional stitches, the 23 earflap stitches from the holder, and cast on eight stitches -- you will now have 81 stitches. - 2). Work in stockinette stitch until hat is 5 1/2 inches from the joining row. End in a right side row.
- 3). Purl the next row, decrease one time (by knitting two together) half way through the row -- leaving 80 stitches.
- 1). Begin shaping by decreasing. First row - which will be the right side - knit six, knit two together, repeat til the end of the row. You will now have 70 stitches.
- 2). Purl across on the second row, and every wrong side row.
- 3). Continue shaping as follows:
Row three, knit five, knit two together across - you will have 60 stitches.
Row five, knit four, knit two together across -- 50 stitches will be left.
Row seven, knit three, knit two together across -- 40 will remain.
Row nine, knit two, knit two together across -- you will have 30 stitches.
Row 11, knit one, knit two together across -- 20 stitches remain.
Row 13, knit two together across -- only 10 stitches should be left.
Row 15, knit 2 together across 5 stitches will be left on the needle. - 4). Clip yarn, leaving a long tail. Using tail, thread through final five stitches and pull tightly. Sew up seam.
Ear Flaps