Should you contact your ex? This question nags every person who has been dumped? The loss of the relationship can be overwhelming and you may want to try and win them back right away.
However, there are many reasons you should not speak with your ex for around a month.
You already know that emotions run high after a breakup.
For that reason, a couple who decides to split (whether it's a mutual agreement or one-sided agreement) should take a hiatus from seeing one another.
Remember that absence does make the heart grow fonder.
It's important to cut off all contact as quickly as possible, typically as soon as the breakup has occurred.
When you do this, healing can begin and you can move past any hard feelings.
Do you wish to have your ex back? It's okay to long for their touch, for their arms to be wrapped around you.
It's kind of like a security blanket.
Despite this, you still need to take this month long break to put everything back into focus.
A month is all you need to get your head thinking straight, realize how you actually feel and what you want and need to do.
You can even come up with a plan to win back your ex.
This not only works for you but for your ex as well.
What does it mean by no contact? It means everything.
No phone calls, no text messages, no voicemail calls, no e-mails, no instant messages though a messenger programs and no going to where you know they will be at.
However, you can't always avoid them.
If you work together, or pass each other while out and about, be civil.
Just do not try to get personal with your ex.
Separation is necessary if you want to grow back together again.
They may not see it the way you do but they will if you give it time and stay away.
It's also normal to have anxiety that your ex will find someone they are more attracted to than you.
It's normal for a rebound relationship to occur.
It's rare that they work out.
If you really want to get past the heartbreak, you have to acknowledge the fact that both of you may not be right for one another.
If you think there is still a chance, then go for it.
Yet, you have to recognize signs that there is no chance of reconciliation.
Thus it's vital to keep the no contact rule for the month after the breakup if you wish to win back your ex.
Let the wounds heal releases the stress that is typically felt by all involved.
After this month, you'll know for sure if your ex is truly your soul mate or if it wasn't meant to be.
However, there are many reasons you should not speak with your ex for around a month.
You already know that emotions run high after a breakup.
For that reason, a couple who decides to split (whether it's a mutual agreement or one-sided agreement) should take a hiatus from seeing one another.
Remember that absence does make the heart grow fonder.
It's important to cut off all contact as quickly as possible, typically as soon as the breakup has occurred.
When you do this, healing can begin and you can move past any hard feelings.
Do you wish to have your ex back? It's okay to long for their touch, for their arms to be wrapped around you.
It's kind of like a security blanket.
Despite this, you still need to take this month long break to put everything back into focus.
A month is all you need to get your head thinking straight, realize how you actually feel and what you want and need to do.
You can even come up with a plan to win back your ex.
This not only works for you but for your ex as well.
What does it mean by no contact? It means everything.
No phone calls, no text messages, no voicemail calls, no e-mails, no instant messages though a messenger programs and no going to where you know they will be at.
However, you can't always avoid them.
If you work together, or pass each other while out and about, be civil.
Just do not try to get personal with your ex.
Separation is necessary if you want to grow back together again.
They may not see it the way you do but they will if you give it time and stay away.
It's also normal to have anxiety that your ex will find someone they are more attracted to than you.
It's normal for a rebound relationship to occur.
It's rare that they work out.
If you really want to get past the heartbreak, you have to acknowledge the fact that both of you may not be right for one another.
If you think there is still a chance, then go for it.
Yet, you have to recognize signs that there is no chance of reconciliation.
Thus it's vital to keep the no contact rule for the month after the breakup if you wish to win back your ex.
Let the wounds heal releases the stress that is typically felt by all involved.
After this month, you'll know for sure if your ex is truly your soul mate or if it wasn't meant to be.