“My boyfriend keeps breaking up with me and I don't understand why.” Too many women have had to deal with a situation like this. They're crazy about a guy who continually pulls away and says he needs time or space. It's rotten and it's emotionally exhausting. You love him so you want to be with him, but how much of this are you supposed to take? It's a good question that unfortunately doesn't have an easy answer. If you're tired of being pulled through the emotional wringer by your guy and you want him to stop breaking up and making up with you, you need to take control of the situation. In order to address the problem head on you need to understand why he's doing it and what you can do to change it.
Whenever a woman is involved with a man who plays with her emotionally like this, she needs to shift the dynamic dramatically. The reason your boyfriend keeps breaking up with you may be something as simple as he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He may see you as his back up girlfriend. When someone else comes along that he's even minimally attracted to, he'll break up with you to pursue her. If that doesn't work out in his favor, he comes back to you for one reason. He knows you'll take him back. If you've taken him back more than once, it's too many times. You've shown him, through your actions, that you're fine with being used in this manner. If you continue to take him back, he'll continue to act this way.
If your boyfriend always breaks up with you, you have to take drastic action the next time it happens. The moment he tells you he needs some time or space, agree with him that it's a good idea. That alone will stun him. Then stop talking to him. Don't accept his calls and don't reply to his emails or text messages. Just separate yourself from him. Since he's expecting you to be sitting idly by waiting for him to come back, you have to show him that's just not the case anymore. Let him see that you're tired of being mistreated. If he loves you, this will be enough to snap him back into reality. The threat of losing someone forever can easily change a man's attitude. You just need to find the inner strength to do this. If you can, you can finally get him to stay committed to just you.
Whenever a woman is involved with a man who plays with her emotionally like this, she needs to shift the dynamic dramatically. The reason your boyfriend keeps breaking up with you may be something as simple as he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He may see you as his back up girlfriend. When someone else comes along that he's even minimally attracted to, he'll break up with you to pursue her. If that doesn't work out in his favor, he comes back to you for one reason. He knows you'll take him back. If you've taken him back more than once, it's too many times. You've shown him, through your actions, that you're fine with being used in this manner. If you continue to take him back, he'll continue to act this way.
If your boyfriend always breaks up with you, you have to take drastic action the next time it happens. The moment he tells you he needs some time or space, agree with him that it's a good idea. That alone will stun him. Then stop talking to him. Don't accept his calls and don't reply to his emails or text messages. Just separate yourself from him. Since he's expecting you to be sitting idly by waiting for him to come back, you have to show him that's just not the case anymore. Let him see that you're tired of being mistreated. If he loves you, this will be enough to snap him back into reality. The threat of losing someone forever can easily change a man's attitude. You just need to find the inner strength to do this. If you can, you can finally get him to stay committed to just you.