Recently I was speaking with a guy that was in the throws of divorce, he was distraught, desperate and compromising his life, just so he would have something left to clings too when it all blew over.
I told him about a new technique that I had stumbled upon that could stop a break up and has saved the relationships of 1000's that right thousands.
Hearing his story I could not help but feel for him.
Married 8 years, 3 kids and desperately needing to make it work, but not knowing how to stop a divorce.
Many of us are in the same situation.
Divorce rates are sky high, but why? I know guys and ladies who won't even get married because they are afraid of divorce.
Breakups come when we loose the reason why we started dating and begin to expect that he ought to understand me, or that she just needs to deal with it.
How do I stop my divorce? Stop! Go back and find your first love.
What things brought you together? What things made it worth while? Why did you smile each time you saw one another? Love grows overtime and makes it easier to forgive our partners mistakes, but sometimes we feel so taken advantage of, so betrayed that the bond of love is broken.
Here's a NUGGET of Wisdom: Love cannot be broken, by definition: It endures all things.
What happens is that we are broken and our partner represents the source of the injury.
You see how that makes it almost impossible to restore your relationship.
Often this is without your lovers knowledge, he or she doesn't seem to know whats wrong.
Sometimes your partner causes you pain because they are suffering from pain that you or someone else has formerly caused, even unknowingly.
Another NUGGET: This is why communication and offering the benefit of the doubt is so important.
So now you stand like boxers sparing against each other in a ring.
Who will score the knock out: get the house, the car, the kids.
The kids...
kids of divorce often divorce themselves.
They learn how to break-up not to make-up.
NUGGET: the love is still there.
When you eliminate the pain and forgive each other, your relationship can be restored.
Making up is like magic and begins to rekindle the relationship, why because it addresses the issues beneath the arguing, fighting, cheating, and the pain.
The reasons that lead to break ups and cuts through the pain and agony.
ANALOGY: look at the word relationship.
The last part of it is ship, sometimes the waves are calm but there are times when the wind gets rough and you toss and tip and try to keep your bearings, but the waves rise and splash and instead of washing your wounds the salty water burns and exposes them.
Some ships sink, but if you can sail through the storm you'll come out to a warm calm clear blue sky.
Most relationships can be saved even sunken ships are salvaged.
Thousands of relationships have be save just by taking a another look.
Keifer Cartes
I told him about a new technique that I had stumbled upon that could stop a break up and has saved the relationships of 1000's that right thousands.
Hearing his story I could not help but feel for him.
Married 8 years, 3 kids and desperately needing to make it work, but not knowing how to stop a divorce.
Many of us are in the same situation.
Divorce rates are sky high, but why? I know guys and ladies who won't even get married because they are afraid of divorce.
Breakups come when we loose the reason why we started dating and begin to expect that he ought to understand me, or that she just needs to deal with it.
How do I stop my divorce? Stop! Go back and find your first love.
What things brought you together? What things made it worth while? Why did you smile each time you saw one another? Love grows overtime and makes it easier to forgive our partners mistakes, but sometimes we feel so taken advantage of, so betrayed that the bond of love is broken.
Here's a NUGGET of Wisdom: Love cannot be broken, by definition: It endures all things.
What happens is that we are broken and our partner represents the source of the injury.
You see how that makes it almost impossible to restore your relationship.
Often this is without your lovers knowledge, he or she doesn't seem to know whats wrong.
Sometimes your partner causes you pain because they are suffering from pain that you or someone else has formerly caused, even unknowingly.
Another NUGGET: This is why communication and offering the benefit of the doubt is so important.
So now you stand like boxers sparing against each other in a ring.
Who will score the knock out: get the house, the car, the kids.
The kids...
kids of divorce often divorce themselves.
They learn how to break-up not to make-up.
NUGGET: the love is still there.
When you eliminate the pain and forgive each other, your relationship can be restored.
Making up is like magic and begins to rekindle the relationship, why because it addresses the issues beneath the arguing, fighting, cheating, and the pain.
The reasons that lead to break ups and cuts through the pain and agony.
ANALOGY: look at the word relationship.
The last part of it is ship, sometimes the waves are calm but there are times when the wind gets rough and you toss and tip and try to keep your bearings, but the waves rise and splash and instead of washing your wounds the salty water burns and exposes them.
Some ships sink, but if you can sail through the storm you'll come out to a warm calm clear blue sky.
Most relationships can be saved even sunken ships are salvaged.
Thousands of relationships have be save just by taking a another look.
Keifer Cartes