Is saving a relationship a hopeless task? Does it mean that if you broke up with your partner, there is nothing you could do repair any damages to the relationship? This is certainly not the case even if may appear so for some women.
They are continuously anxious that their relationship is going to pieces and their partner spears to be drawing further and further away from them. In a frantic attempt to save their relationship, they make serious attempts at talking over the problems with their partners with a view to determining what really the problem with the relationship is. Contrary to their expectations, instead of resolving the conflict this tactic aggravates it as your partner moves further away from you.
In the early days of your relationship, your intimacy levels are very high as both of you enjoy each other's company and therefore spend more time together. An appreciation of some psychologically proven principles and their effective application will go a long way in assisting to understand why you are in this sad situation.
Is it even possible to keep your relationship at the same electrically charged emotional level it was when you first met each other? That could be very difficult to maintain but it is possible. One point to note however is that the key factor to saving your relationship is attraction
In trying to determine the reasons for their partner pulling away some women will begin to listen intently to the words and tone of the voice of their partners, analyzing their statements and their hidden meanings. They try to spend more time with him, always demanding to know who called him or what he was doing on his computer. They may also try to insist that he acts in certain way in order, in their view, to make the relationship more stable.
However, these frantic acts only tend to have the opposite effects. They pull you apart not bring you together. If you want to restore your relationship to the beautiful and fun filled experience that it used to be, then there a number of actions that you need to take.
Effective Communication
Can you remember that the conversations you used to have in the past? If you remember, this used to be fun, light-hearted chat that was meant to make you comfortable and happy. Both of you would make effort to ensure that you did not talk out of line or utter distressing statements to your partner. It is not advisable to seek to talk through disagreements in a relationship for hours at a stretch. It may end up being counter productive and resulting in further rift between the two of you.
Remember we don't naturally like hearing unpleasant things but rather what will make us comfortable and happy with ourselves.
What attracted you to your partner in the first place? May be physical attributes of good looks played a significant role in your choice or some certain mannerisms. It could have been your partner's confidence and independence that won you over. What ever it was, it brought both of you close together and you cherished every opportunity to be together as you enjoyed each other's company. You always strove to make each other happy.
But as time went by, things could have slowed down somewhat and you might have been less attentive to the concerns, wishes and desires of your spouse. And that is when things begin to go awry. It is therefore quite important that you remember what your strongest point was and restore such strong qualities and surely, your partner will fall in love with you all over again.
Back to the Starting Point
Rekindle those romantic and awesome experiences that you enjoyed together at the beginning of your relationship. You must have had fun- filled and delicious escapades that you could still recall to the end of your days on earth. Try to make such beautiful experiences the spring board to your renewed effort to woo your partner back.
They are continuously anxious that their relationship is going to pieces and their partner spears to be drawing further and further away from them. In a frantic attempt to save their relationship, they make serious attempts at talking over the problems with their partners with a view to determining what really the problem with the relationship is. Contrary to their expectations, instead of resolving the conflict this tactic aggravates it as your partner moves further away from you.
In the early days of your relationship, your intimacy levels are very high as both of you enjoy each other's company and therefore spend more time together. An appreciation of some psychologically proven principles and their effective application will go a long way in assisting to understand why you are in this sad situation.
Is it even possible to keep your relationship at the same electrically charged emotional level it was when you first met each other? That could be very difficult to maintain but it is possible. One point to note however is that the key factor to saving your relationship is attraction
In trying to determine the reasons for their partner pulling away some women will begin to listen intently to the words and tone of the voice of their partners, analyzing their statements and their hidden meanings. They try to spend more time with him, always demanding to know who called him or what he was doing on his computer. They may also try to insist that he acts in certain way in order, in their view, to make the relationship more stable.
However, these frantic acts only tend to have the opposite effects. They pull you apart not bring you together. If you want to restore your relationship to the beautiful and fun filled experience that it used to be, then there a number of actions that you need to take.
Effective Communication
Can you remember that the conversations you used to have in the past? If you remember, this used to be fun, light-hearted chat that was meant to make you comfortable and happy. Both of you would make effort to ensure that you did not talk out of line or utter distressing statements to your partner. It is not advisable to seek to talk through disagreements in a relationship for hours at a stretch. It may end up being counter productive and resulting in further rift between the two of you.
Remember we don't naturally like hearing unpleasant things but rather what will make us comfortable and happy with ourselves.
What attracted you to your partner in the first place? May be physical attributes of good looks played a significant role in your choice or some certain mannerisms. It could have been your partner's confidence and independence that won you over. What ever it was, it brought both of you close together and you cherished every opportunity to be together as you enjoyed each other's company. You always strove to make each other happy.
But as time went by, things could have slowed down somewhat and you might have been less attentive to the concerns, wishes and desires of your spouse. And that is when things begin to go awry. It is therefore quite important that you remember what your strongest point was and restore such strong qualities and surely, your partner will fall in love with you all over again.
Back to the Starting Point
Rekindle those romantic and awesome experiences that you enjoyed together at the beginning of your relationship. You must have had fun- filled and delicious escapades that you could still recall to the end of your days on earth. Try to make such beautiful experiences the spring board to your renewed effort to woo your partner back.