When you break with your girlfriend and she's all you think about, you start thinking of ways to get her back.
This is a normal for every break up and so here's some advice in how to get her back.
It's crucial that you don't chase her.
This means that you have to end all communication with her that's not appropriate and avoid places that she's likely to be at.
Back off and give each other space; there's a reason that you broke up and that needs to be respected.
She must come back to as her choice so let her decide on her own.
Think back to when you first met and remember what it was about you that got her attention.
These are the qualities that you need to dust up on; this also means addressing those issues that she wasn't a big fan of.
Take the time out to work on and improve you.
Be decisive about dealing with the breaking up and past hurts.
Make the choice to let go of these hurts and get on life.
This cleanses you emotionally and allows a renewal in the relationship if you get her back.
You can also move on, if you don't get her back.
Be grateful.
You may have lost a girlfriend but you have your life and there are good things in it; you just have to stop and appreciate them.
Spend time with friends and family and hobbies.
That way, when your ex sees you, she'll see the great person you always have been and not a depressed hung up person.
Don't be a social recluse.
Socialise and date.
It's healthy to date after a relationship; date causally and be honest about that.
Don't lose out on making friends or potential girlfriends.
Finally, let your ex know that you want her back and that you want a fresh start on your relationship.
Don't pressure her and don't force her in any way and give her the space she needs to make up her mind.
Carry out these simple measures if you really want your girl back but remember, it must always be her decision to come back to you.
And if she doesn't, you still benefit from having improved yourself and dealing with the break up.
This is a normal for every break up and so here's some advice in how to get her back.
It's crucial that you don't chase her.
This means that you have to end all communication with her that's not appropriate and avoid places that she's likely to be at.
Back off and give each other space; there's a reason that you broke up and that needs to be respected.
She must come back to as her choice so let her decide on her own.
Think back to when you first met and remember what it was about you that got her attention.
These are the qualities that you need to dust up on; this also means addressing those issues that she wasn't a big fan of.
Take the time out to work on and improve you.
Be decisive about dealing with the breaking up and past hurts.
Make the choice to let go of these hurts and get on life.
This cleanses you emotionally and allows a renewal in the relationship if you get her back.
You can also move on, if you don't get her back.
Be grateful.
You may have lost a girlfriend but you have your life and there are good things in it; you just have to stop and appreciate them.
Spend time with friends and family and hobbies.
That way, when your ex sees you, she'll see the great person you always have been and not a depressed hung up person.
Don't be a social recluse.
Socialise and date.
It's healthy to date after a relationship; date causally and be honest about that.
Don't lose out on making friends or potential girlfriends.
Finally, let your ex know that you want her back and that you want a fresh start on your relationship.
Don't pressure her and don't force her in any way and give her the space she needs to make up her mind.
Carry out these simple measures if you really want your girl back but remember, it must always be her decision to come back to you.
And if she doesn't, you still benefit from having improved yourself and dealing with the break up.