Before you do anything, make sure that you really do want her back.
Maybe she actually did you a favor by ending it? Let's face it, most guys stay in a marginal relationship because they don't want to start all over again.
In this case, you need to decide if she really is the one for you.
If not, this is a great opportunity to find your true soulmate.
Use it to your advantage.
But if you decide that you really do want her back, here's what you should do...
Do you think she stills loves you? This is a very important question to address so be honest with yourself.
Women can react for a variety of reasons and then think better of it afterward.
The important thing is if you believe she still loves you, then you have an excellent chance of getting back together.
So if you want her back, you need to get her to come to you.
Don't chase her as it may tend to push her away rather than the desired effect.
Don't call her constantly or send her text messages.
Be cool...
You can make it appear as if you accept the breakup and are ready to move on.
Women tend to favor independent and confident men.
Show her that side of you.
And use this time away from her to work on yourself.
Are you the same person she initially fell in love with? It is natural that worked hard to impress her during your courtship.
But once you "got her", did you tend to take her for granted? Remember how special she is to you and always try to show her how much.
It can make a huge impression and get her to love you all the more.
If you know you are going to see your ex girlfriend, use this opportunity to remind her of the important events you shared together.
Be subtle but make sure she gets the point.
For example, wear a special shirt she gave at Christmas.
And try to start dating her again but in a safe and non pressure environment.
Go together with a group of friends to a sporting or concert event.
In this case it is important not to make a big deal of the time together.
Pay attention to her but also get involved with your other friends.
Be positive and happy around her.
She will see a very positive side of you and chances are will want to get back together and spend more time with the person she fell in love with in the first place.
Try it - it does work.
Maybe she actually did you a favor by ending it? Let's face it, most guys stay in a marginal relationship because they don't want to start all over again.
In this case, you need to decide if she really is the one for you.
If not, this is a great opportunity to find your true soulmate.
Use it to your advantage.
But if you decide that you really do want her back, here's what you should do...
Do you think she stills loves you? This is a very important question to address so be honest with yourself.
Women can react for a variety of reasons and then think better of it afterward.
The important thing is if you believe she still loves you, then you have an excellent chance of getting back together.
So if you want her back, you need to get her to come to you.
Don't chase her as it may tend to push her away rather than the desired effect.
Don't call her constantly or send her text messages.
Be cool...
You can make it appear as if you accept the breakup and are ready to move on.
Women tend to favor independent and confident men.
Show her that side of you.
And use this time away from her to work on yourself.
Are you the same person she initially fell in love with? It is natural that worked hard to impress her during your courtship.
But once you "got her", did you tend to take her for granted? Remember how special she is to you and always try to show her how much.
It can make a huge impression and get her to love you all the more.
If you know you are going to see your ex girlfriend, use this opportunity to remind her of the important events you shared together.
Be subtle but make sure she gets the point.
For example, wear a special shirt she gave at Christmas.
And try to start dating her again but in a safe and non pressure environment.
Go together with a group of friends to a sporting or concert event.
In this case it is important not to make a big deal of the time together.
Pay attention to her but also get involved with your other friends.
Be positive and happy around her.
She will see a very positive side of you and chances are will want to get back together and spend more time with the person she fell in love with in the first place.
Try it - it does work.