Trying to win an ex boyfriend back can be a time consuming and emotional draining experience.
Losing someone we love is a heartbreaking experience and one we often want to fix.
What often happens is that in this distraught state a woman tries to get a man back using tactics that would work on them but not necessarily on men.
When trying to get back with an ex boyfriend it's important to do so without losing your self-respect.
Probably at this point that's the least of your concerns, but maintaining it will be to your benefit in the long run.
Don't appear to grovel.
Taking your favorite casserole and a long list of apologies to your ex's home may fill his stomach and ego, but it's not going to get him back.
If want to get your guy back without losing your self-respect, try the following: 1.
Learn how to think like a man- Women are willing to go to extreme lengths when trying to win an ex boyfriend back because those things work on us.
You know what I'm talking about: love letters, flowers, chocolates, endless phone calls or text messages-yes, these things may annoy us, but if they are from someone we once loved we are touched by them.
But this isn't how men are wired.
As harsh as this may sound, your ex boyfriend isn't going to cry tears of regret or sorrow over a love letter in which you poured out heart.
In fact, it may make him think that breaking up was the right thing to do.
In order to avoid doing something that makes you look weak and needy, learn how to communicate in a calm, logical style your guy can relate to.
Highlight the positive- Some women go out of their way to prove to their ex that they can live without him.
They start wearing gaudy, tasteless clothes or going to nightclubs even if they don't feel comfortable doing these things.
Unfortunately, this behavior is easy for a guy to see through.
They weren't doing those things before they met him, so he quickly surmises that the only reason they're doing them after the break up...
is him.
That doesn't exactly make a woman look independent much less keep her self- respect.
Don't try to make yourself into someone else, become a better version of the person you were before you met your ex.
That was the woman he fell in love with and the one he will want if you get back together.
Be responsible- Whining and blaming your ex for everything that went wrong will not win him back.
Accept your share of the blame.
Note that I say "your share.
" Do not put all the blame on either person.
Take a close look at anything you may have done to make him want to break up.
Over time any number of things can happen in a relationship that causes one or both to decide to get out of it.
Such things include taking a partner for granted, not keeping up personal appearances, lying, etc...
Whatever you did accept the responsibility and apologize to your ex.
Don't make excuses for your behavior just determine to change it.
I can't guarantee that your ex will come back if you follow these steps but I can guarantee that if you do so you will keep your self-respect.
Losing someone we love is a heartbreaking experience and one we often want to fix.
What often happens is that in this distraught state a woman tries to get a man back using tactics that would work on them but not necessarily on men.
When trying to get back with an ex boyfriend it's important to do so without losing your self-respect.
Probably at this point that's the least of your concerns, but maintaining it will be to your benefit in the long run.
Don't appear to grovel.
Taking your favorite casserole and a long list of apologies to your ex's home may fill his stomach and ego, but it's not going to get him back.
If want to get your guy back without losing your self-respect, try the following: 1.
Learn how to think like a man- Women are willing to go to extreme lengths when trying to win an ex boyfriend back because those things work on us.
You know what I'm talking about: love letters, flowers, chocolates, endless phone calls or text messages-yes, these things may annoy us, but if they are from someone we once loved we are touched by them.
But this isn't how men are wired.
As harsh as this may sound, your ex boyfriend isn't going to cry tears of regret or sorrow over a love letter in which you poured out heart.
In fact, it may make him think that breaking up was the right thing to do.
In order to avoid doing something that makes you look weak and needy, learn how to communicate in a calm, logical style your guy can relate to.
Highlight the positive- Some women go out of their way to prove to their ex that they can live without him.
They start wearing gaudy, tasteless clothes or going to nightclubs even if they don't feel comfortable doing these things.
Unfortunately, this behavior is easy for a guy to see through.
They weren't doing those things before they met him, so he quickly surmises that the only reason they're doing them after the break up...
is him.
That doesn't exactly make a woman look independent much less keep her self- respect.
Don't try to make yourself into someone else, become a better version of the person you were before you met your ex.
That was the woman he fell in love with and the one he will want if you get back together.
Be responsible- Whining and blaming your ex for everything that went wrong will not win him back.
Accept your share of the blame.
Note that I say "your share.
" Do not put all the blame on either person.
Take a close look at anything you may have done to make him want to break up.
Over time any number of things can happen in a relationship that causes one or both to decide to get out of it.
Such things include taking a partner for granted, not keeping up personal appearances, lying, etc...
Whatever you did accept the responsibility and apologize to your ex.
Don't make excuses for your behavior just determine to change it.
I can't guarantee that your ex will come back if you follow these steps but I can guarantee that if you do so you will keep your self-respect.