- The iPod Touch is one of four models of Apple's portable music player, and is the only one that runs apps, as of June 2011. It has a 3.5-inch touch-sensitive display and two built-in cameras for shooting pictures and movies. The device connects to the Internet over Wi-Fi, enabling you to access Apple's App Store and download the free Novo Nordisk app directly to the iPod Touch.
- Novo Nordisk UK is a company in England that offers a wide variety of healthcare products in such areas as hormone replacement therapy, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders and diabetes care. In the area of diabetes care, Novo Nordisk produces insulin products, injection devices and needles. To help its customers manage their diabetes, Novo Nordisk offers a free blood glucose reading conversion app using the English measurement system for use on its iPod Touch.
- When you test your current blood glucose level, you prick your finger to get a drop of blood, and then apply the drop of blood to a test strip that goes into a blood glucose meter. A meter detects the blood glucose level and displays it, with a number such as "41" or "63" expressed in mmol/mol/. An HbA1C reading, obtained from a test administered by a health care provider, is expressed as a percentage, such as "5.9," and indicates the average blood glucose level over the past few months.
- You press the "Home" button below the touch-sensitive display on the iPod Touch, and then tap the "Novo Nordisk" icon to launch the app. Tap "Go to HbA1c Converter," then tap "Select Conversion." Tap the "HbA1c % > HbA1C mmol/mol" option and then type an HbA1C number, such as "6," and then tap "Convert" to get the mmol/mol of "42." Tap the "HbA1c mmol/mol > HbA1C %" option, then tap a mmol/mol number such as "63," and then tap "Convert" to get the HbA1C equivalent of 7.9 percent.
About the iPod Touch
About Novo Nordisk UK
Blood Glucose Testing
Novo Nordisk for iPod