- 1). Connect your iPhone to the computer using the USB cable; run iTunes.
- 2). Select iPhone from the "Devices" list and configure the sync settings using the settings panes.
- 3). Click "Apply" in the lower-right corner of the screen to apply the settings.
- 4). Your iPhone will automatically sync with the iTunes Library each time you connect it to the computer, assuming you've configured the settings for automatic syncing. Otherwise, you will need to select the iPhone in the sidebar and click "Sync" in the bottom-right corner of the window in order to sync iTunes with your phone.
- 1). Download and install Salling Media Sync (salling.com) for your PC or Mac. Be aware that PC users have the option of a free version or a premium version for a nominal fee, while Mac users have the option of either using a limited free trial version or purchasing the full version.
- 2). Configure your phone to enter USB Mass Storage mode when connected to your computer; connect the phone via USB cord. The procedure to set your phone into USB mode differs from one phone to the next, so consult your manual for specific instructions.
- 3). Click on the "Music" tab when Salling Media Sync launches. Unless configured to do otherwise, it should launch automatically when you connect your phone. Configure your iTunes settings to include what you want synced to the phone.
- 4). Click on the "Podcasts" and "Photos" tabs; configure them as well.
- 5). Click on "Sync" at the bottom of the window to begin syncing your iTunes library to your phone.
- 1). Download and install iTunes Agent (ita.sourceforge.net). After installation, it will run in the system tray and monitor iTunes.
- 2). Configure your phone to enter USB Mass Storage mode when connected to your computer; connect the phone via USB cord. The procedure to set your phone into USB mode differs from one phone to the next, so consult your manual for specific instructions.
- 3). Create a folder in your phone's directly called "Music" if one does not already exist. Right click on the iTunes agent icon in the system tray and click on "Preferences."
- 4). Click on "New" and give the new device profile a name to correspond to your phone. Make sure not to change the defaults when doing so; leave the synchronize pattern set to "iTunes."
- 5). Click the "Choose" button and select the "Music" folder on your phone. Click the "Create" button and select the music folder once more, followed by "Save" and "Close."
- 1). Launch iTunes with iTunes Agent still running in the system tray; find the listing in the play list folder marked as "My Devices."
- 2). Drag and drop any songs or other media you wish to synchronize from your iTunes library into the play list.
- 3). Right click on the iTunes Agent icon in the system tray; select "Synchronize Devices" to begin syncing your iTunes to your phone.
- 1). Configure your phone to enter USB Mass Storage mode when connected to your computer. Connect the phone via USB cord. The procedure to set your phone into USB mode differs from one phone to the next, so consult your manual for specific instructions.
- 2). Download, install and launch iTuneMyWalkman (ilari.schenin.fidisk.fi); click on "General." Select "Edit Preferences."
- 3). Click on "Change" and browse through the menu to your connected phone. If one doesn't already exist, create a folder called "MP3" on your phone and open it,; make a folder inside of the "MP3" folder with the name of the play list you are syncing from iTunes.
- 4). Click on "Playlists" while still in "Edit Preferences" and check "Sync Music." Then select "From selected playlists" and select the play list you want to sync.
- 5). Choose "Folders" from Edit Preferences and set the number of directory levels to "1." Then click "Save" to close the "Edit Preferences" window; click the "Synchronize Now" button to synchronize the play list to your phone. Repeat these steps as necessary for each play list you wish to sync.
Using iTunes Directly (iPhone)
Salling Media Sync
Setting Up iTunes Agent (PC)
Syncing with iTunes Agent (PC)
iTuneMyWalkman (Mac)