- Without proper insulation, concrete foundation slabs can transfer valuable heat through the ground, leading to higher energy bills, according to BobVila.com. The heat barrier provided by insulation helps regulate the home's temperature.
- Polystyrene insulation creates an effective heat barrier for concrete foundations. This material comes in rigid boards or flexible sheets.
- Some insulation products also retard water vapor to prevent moisture and mold growth. These products may include multiple layers of foams, reflective materials and coatings.
- Builders usually install insulation in an "under-slab" procedure, fitting the material into the foundation area before pouring the concrete. Flexible insulation sheets offer faster and easier installation than rigid boards.
- Insulation and other barrier methods make up only one aspect of smart foundation construction. Building the foundation with a slope to encourage water drainage into a capable drainage system can also protect the home from the elements.
Insulation Materials
Waterproofing and Vapor Barriers