Technology Electronics

The Convenience of ID Cards

There are so many security risks nowadays, that people are even afraid to leave their homes without locking up and barricading every window and door. Businesses are even more security-conscious, and have become more stringent in their routines. This security awareness has even moved to schools and universities.

In order to create an ID card, a thermal printer is used. There are two types of thermal printers being a Direct Thermal Printer and Thermal Wax transfer printers. Both of these types of printers are used for making plastic PVC cards. Most ID cards are made out of PVC, which is the abbreviation for polyvinyl chloride plastic.

A popular security measure is the use of identity, or ID, cards. The simplest of cards are normally used in schools, and sometimes businesses. These PVC ID cards will simply have a small photo of the holder, and their details, such as their name, age and designation. These types of ID cards are mainly used to identify the person by means of recognition.

Normally, in order to enter the University premises you will need to produce an ID card with your photo and details to confirm that you are indeed a student. Some businesses will have the same approach, requiring that you produce your ID card to the security personnel at the entrance or gate to the company.

The most common ID card is a driver's license. It is also made from PVC, and will display your photo, with your identity number and your driving license code. The barcodes and figures will portray your information to the police officer if he simply inputs it into his automated system. Many identity cards for companies even contain barcodes, which will relay all your information once scanned. In a lot of instances, it is preferable to have an ID card system that has a barcode on each card so that there can be no fraudulent duplications for people trying to gain access into companies or universities.

There is a different range of ID cards, and these are the ones popularly used in hotels. These ID cards contain a magnetic strip on the back, which contain programmed information that will be registered by the specialized door. The reader on the door handle identifies the assigned code inside the card and will unlock the door. The hotel industry has found it cheaper to use this system for their doors as they do not need to have so many replica keys made. These cards make it easier for the owners of the hotel to keep track of the rooms and have a better handle on security.

It is undeniable that identity cards have become a necessary convenience. In our modern, crime-threatened society it is a vital development in technology. With the right thermal printer, it is even possible to print your own ID cards, but of course if you require a magnetic strip on the back you would need a more advanced machine. This is an expensive and specialized task and is best handled by professionals. In the case of doing it incorrectly you could have a serious security breach on your hands.
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