I remember like it was yesterday when we broke up, the painful minutes that turned into painful hours.
Only someone who has truly loved someone and then lost him or her due to an ugly breakup can feel your pain.
You drive down the same streets and they seem awkward, uneven almost tilted.
The guy behind the counter at the bakery ask's "How ya doin" like he has a 1000 times before, and you say "Good, how bout you?", and that conversation has never been as hollow as it is right now.
I would drive or sit at a park bench and look at all the couples and wonder did they feel like I did before the breakup or maybe they feel like I do and they are better at hiding these feelings than I am.
Yes only someone who has experienced a breakup can feel your pain.
Even if the breakup is only hours long you are probably having a wide variety of emotions flailing around inside you.
Emotions of numbness, disbelief, anger, guilt, feelings of being at fault, being lost,revenge, helpless, etc and I do mean etc.
No to people are a like and your feelings are real, don't run from them as they will in time provide you with the answers you need to regarding how to win your ex back.
As I went through this an acquaintance named T.
W helped guide me through this painful situation with a few good pieces of advice the first being sit well with yourself.
What this means is get a good grip on realty and no I don't think we are crazy, I think we are thinking crazy.
If your lover has just left you, now is not the time to figure it all out with him or her.
Listen they leftgod we know it hurts, we didn't want it, but it is done.
Give yourself twenty four hours to sit alone and mourn because it is like a death, some will laugh, or brush it off but if you feel like I felt at the time ofmy breakup it felt like a death.
I promise you eventually it will not feel like a death because your ex is not dead, you are not dead, your relationship might be! Being able to sit with yourself, to hear yourself, feel your pain allows you to get back your self being.
Youneed time to get back to being one, to being the person you are.
This may be a student, a mom, a daughter and so on.
Remember the good things about yourself.
You know many people value you, people like your family and close friends, your co workers, shoot even your neighbors and your pets.
So take the time to get yourself mentally back before you take the world on again, it's all right you deserve it.
Once you can have a clear out look on your life and your situation then you can began to see clearly how to win your ex back.
Now this may take some time, not just a day, no set time here it all depends on you.
You see making yourself better enables you to make the best possible decisions for you.
Now when your ready sit down and take a long hard serious look at your relationship with your ex, Not only the good but the bad you will be able to do so with an open honest mind.
Something went wrong for him or her to leave, what did you do to contribute to the break up? what did they do? can they accept you for who you are? can you accept them as they are? What do you want out of the relationship?.
So this situation goes from hopeless to positive because you have a chance to to get what you want and once you answer all the questions you will ask yourself about your ex you will know in your heart if you want to know how to win your ex back or if you want to move on.
Given the above Tw's first piece of advice was the hardest but the best if you want to know how to win your ex back and that was give them space, but like I said earlier take this space and get back to being you.
There are other things you need to do such as hang out with family and friends and look good not only inside but also outside as well and stay busy, as these are all important.
But Tw is not a conventional guy, he's an army rat and a good ol boy so after I gathered my thoughts and saw I was still breathing and life was still worth living (about three to four weeks for me) and I knew my ex and I belonged together for the right reasons TW gave me the arsenal I needed to get my ex back, things that aren't normally discussed and hardly used, just to give you a few examples of these underground secret techniques:
You only need to know in your heart you truly want your ex back and if you answered yes then you have done the hardest part, now arm your self with these tried and true tactics and you can be back with the one you love in no time at all.
Only someone who has truly loved someone and then lost him or her due to an ugly breakup can feel your pain.
You drive down the same streets and they seem awkward, uneven almost tilted.
The guy behind the counter at the bakery ask's "How ya doin" like he has a 1000 times before, and you say "Good, how bout you?", and that conversation has never been as hollow as it is right now.
I would drive or sit at a park bench and look at all the couples and wonder did they feel like I did before the breakup or maybe they feel like I do and they are better at hiding these feelings than I am.
Yes only someone who has experienced a breakup can feel your pain.
Even if the breakup is only hours long you are probably having a wide variety of emotions flailing around inside you.
Emotions of numbness, disbelief, anger, guilt, feelings of being at fault, being lost,revenge, helpless, etc and I do mean etc.
No to people are a like and your feelings are real, don't run from them as they will in time provide you with the answers you need to regarding how to win your ex back.
As I went through this an acquaintance named T.
W helped guide me through this painful situation with a few good pieces of advice the first being sit well with yourself.
What this means is get a good grip on realty and no I don't think we are crazy, I think we are thinking crazy.
If your lover has just left you, now is not the time to figure it all out with him or her.
Listen they leftgod we know it hurts, we didn't want it, but it is done.
Give yourself twenty four hours to sit alone and mourn because it is like a death, some will laugh, or brush it off but if you feel like I felt at the time ofmy breakup it felt like a death.
I promise you eventually it will not feel like a death because your ex is not dead, you are not dead, your relationship might be! Being able to sit with yourself, to hear yourself, feel your pain allows you to get back your self being.
Youneed time to get back to being one, to being the person you are.
This may be a student, a mom, a daughter and so on.
Remember the good things about yourself.
You know many people value you, people like your family and close friends, your co workers, shoot even your neighbors and your pets.
So take the time to get yourself mentally back before you take the world on again, it's all right you deserve it.
Once you can have a clear out look on your life and your situation then you can began to see clearly how to win your ex back.
Now this may take some time, not just a day, no set time here it all depends on you.
You see making yourself better enables you to make the best possible decisions for you.
Now when your ready sit down and take a long hard serious look at your relationship with your ex, Not only the good but the bad you will be able to do so with an open honest mind.
Something went wrong for him or her to leave, what did you do to contribute to the break up? what did they do? can they accept you for who you are? can you accept them as they are? What do you want out of the relationship?.
So this situation goes from hopeless to positive because you have a chance to to get what you want and once you answer all the questions you will ask yourself about your ex you will know in your heart if you want to know how to win your ex back or if you want to move on.
Given the above Tw's first piece of advice was the hardest but the best if you want to know how to win your ex back and that was give them space, but like I said earlier take this space and get back to being you.
There are other things you need to do such as hang out with family and friends and look good not only inside but also outside as well and stay busy, as these are all important.
But Tw is not a conventional guy, he's an army rat and a good ol boy so after I gathered my thoughts and saw I was still breathing and life was still worth living (about three to four weeks for me) and I knew my ex and I belonged together for the right reasons TW gave me the arsenal I needed to get my ex back, things that aren't normally discussed and hardly used, just to give you a few examples of these underground secret techniques:
- -How to get your head on straight.
Use this Fast Forward Technique and get instant relief from emotional break-up painand depression...
You can feel better and within minutes! - -Do they still care? Discover the tell tale clues your ex leaves that says you still have a special place in theirheart...
and I don't care what they say...
This is all you need to look for period! - -Are they with someone else now? Why this is not nearly as catastrophic as it first appears...
and how to use the factthat 90% of rebound relationships never work out to your advantage.
-The Instant Reconnect Technique - - He almost didn't include this one because it may be too potent.
It is "psychologicaljudo" and will trick your ex lovers mind into thinking you are still together.
This is subconscious and there is nodefense against it. - -Exactly what to say and what to do to get your ex back on a date.
Follow his instructions and it will be easy as pie because it will seem so natural.
This has worked hundreds if not thousands of times.
You only need to know in your heart you truly want your ex back and if you answered yes then you have done the hardest part, now arm your self with these tried and true tactics and you can be back with the one you love in no time at all.