When you think you have the ideal relationship and then your guy says he needs space, what is happening? Does this mean that he is breaking up with you and he will be gone for good? The truth is, he is probably taking, what he considers a soft and tender way of ending the relationship. You will want to believe some of your girlfriends that tell you he is falling too deeply in love with you and he is scared. That does happen, but it is pretty rare. You will want to believe them because you want him to come running back into your arms. But you might have a long wait.
When a guy says he needs space, there is another possibility, he may already have someone else in mind that he wants to date. This can be even worse than a clean and permanent breakup. If you allow that to happen, you will be nothing more than a backup. He will keep coming and going in your life and you will always be waiting. You will not want to find somebody else, because you always have hope of him coming back to you. So what do you do?
If you love him, you will have to accept his wish for space and let him go for now. But, you cannot sit at home and wait for him to call. You need to find other interests. Your family and friends can be of great help to you at this time. You may have been neglecting them during the relationship and now would be a good time to reconnect with them. They will be happy to see you and their love and support will help you through this troublesome time. You might think of taking night classes to improve your job skills or take up a new hobby.
The main thing you must do is show him you do not need him to have a happy life. You may have been making yourself too available to him and he is taking you for granted. Your guy may be thinking that he can go out and have fun, do some dating and if things do not work out you will be waiting for him. You need to make him see that is not going to happen. Take some of your girlfriends and go out on the town, have a good time and make sure your guy hears about it. If he loves you, he will be afraid that if you are available, some other guy will grab you up and he will lose you. This might make him see how much he loves you and he will see the mistake he made.
When a guy says he needs space, there is another possibility, he may already have someone else in mind that he wants to date. This can be even worse than a clean and permanent breakup. If you allow that to happen, you will be nothing more than a backup. He will keep coming and going in your life and you will always be waiting. You will not want to find somebody else, because you always have hope of him coming back to you. So what do you do?
If you love him, you will have to accept his wish for space and let him go for now. But, you cannot sit at home and wait for him to call. You need to find other interests. Your family and friends can be of great help to you at this time. You may have been neglecting them during the relationship and now would be a good time to reconnect with them. They will be happy to see you and their love and support will help you through this troublesome time. You might think of taking night classes to improve your job skills or take up a new hobby.
The main thing you must do is show him you do not need him to have a happy life. You may have been making yourself too available to him and he is taking you for granted. Your guy may be thinking that he can go out and have fun, do some dating and if things do not work out you will be waiting for him. You need to make him see that is not going to happen. Take some of your girlfriends and go out on the town, have a good time and make sure your guy hears about it. If he loves you, he will be afraid that if you are available, some other guy will grab you up and he will lose you. This might make him see how much he loves you and he will see the mistake he made.