I have heard many times people say "I am still in love with my ex but I know she is not.
" Have you considered the possibility though that your ex may still be love with you too? She may say that she is not in love with you but in reality there still may be feelings there.
Just because you two broke up does not mean that you no longer love each other.
Be honest with yourself.
Can you honestly say that you are still in love with your ex? If this is the case then there may be a good chance that your ex may still feel the same way.
Even with this in mind does this mean that you two should get back together? That may not be the best idea.
After all you broke up for a reason and those reasons may still be there.
As hard as it may seem right now this break up might be the best for the both of you.
Consider that if the break up was a mutual idea then it is very important that you examine the reasons why you broke up in the first place.
Sometimes the mutual split up can be a mistake but if you really look back and do some self reflection then you might come to the realization that you are better off away from each other.
Sometimes your ex may claim that she wants to get back together with you While you may hold out hope for this it is important for you two to realize that it will take some work.
After all there was something wrong in the relationship in the first place.
Are you both willing to work on improving each other's lives? Can you make a substantial change that will really improve the future? If so then perhaps a reconciliation may be in order.
If for some reason you do get back with your ex you must keep in mind that this period where you are back together is a honeymoon period.
This period is one where you really look upon each other with rose colored glasses.
Sometimes you really need to look at a person without any pretense in order to determine what they are really like.
If you do this then you are likely to get back together and stay together.
" Have you considered the possibility though that your ex may still be love with you too? She may say that she is not in love with you but in reality there still may be feelings there.
Just because you two broke up does not mean that you no longer love each other.
Be honest with yourself.
Can you honestly say that you are still in love with your ex? If this is the case then there may be a good chance that your ex may still feel the same way.
Even with this in mind does this mean that you two should get back together? That may not be the best idea.
After all you broke up for a reason and those reasons may still be there.
As hard as it may seem right now this break up might be the best for the both of you.
Consider that if the break up was a mutual idea then it is very important that you examine the reasons why you broke up in the first place.
Sometimes the mutual split up can be a mistake but if you really look back and do some self reflection then you might come to the realization that you are better off away from each other.
Sometimes your ex may claim that she wants to get back together with you While you may hold out hope for this it is important for you two to realize that it will take some work.
After all there was something wrong in the relationship in the first place.
Are you both willing to work on improving each other's lives? Can you make a substantial change that will really improve the future? If so then perhaps a reconciliation may be in order.
If for some reason you do get back with your ex you must keep in mind that this period where you are back together is a honeymoon period.
This period is one where you really look upon each other with rose colored glasses.
Sometimes you really need to look at a person without any pretense in order to determine what they are really like.
If you do this then you are likely to get back together and stay together.