Family & Relationships Conflict

I Want to Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

After you go through the splitting the sheets syndrome and your head stops spinning and your heart slows down a tad, then you hit the Google Search Engine because you keep thinking I want to get my ex girlfriend back.
Guys begin to start imagining and wondering about everything that you could have possibly done differently.
He might even consider writing her an admission of guilt letter, if that will get her back, or do anything under the sun to win her heart all over again.
I've known some individuals that went to the drug store to find a card that summed up all their feelings.
First off trying to figure out a woman is a losing battle & you will just end up banging your head against the wall, table or wherever, trying to figure out what the exact reason for the split was.
Women are creatures of emotion and sometimes the emotions take over & most of the time they don't make any sense at all to men anyway.
So don't start fretting about things out of your control; if indeed it wasn't just your actions that caused the breakup.
It normally takes two to do battle, & at the moment of the breakup both usually take part in it.
Totally put her out of your thoughts by getting busy on maybe an old project that she was keeping you away from, only because you couldn't stand to be separated from her during any waking moment.
If that was the case attack it now & finish it up so that when you do patch up your relationship you will have that project done.
Or start a new project & put your heart & soul into it blocking out everything & everyone else just focus on the present! You could always go back to hanging out with the guys if they are not all hooked up, but that might bum you out if they are.
There is always the internet to fall back on, practice your typing skills, you might be glad you did in the future.
The main things are to do something different whether completely new or some old feel good activities that will take your mind off of HER for a while.
Try doing that for a month or two & let it rest.
If at the end of the prescribed abstinence maybe the chord as been severed or you might still have strong passion for her.
You will both be the winners, because then you will know a lot more about how to continue if at all.
The result that tactics like this will have is that it will permit you to make ongoing modifications in your life.
Also it will help you understand more of where you are headed & who you want to take that journey with.
Possibly you have found a new mate then the problem fixed itself, but if she found a new mate then she really didn't care for you anyway.
It was all just a charade & she really wasn't worth losing any sleep over.
She probably drove you away so it wasn't your fault, hopefully you can convince yourself of that.
On the other hand if neither of you paired up with another then there is hope for both of you to get back together.
Either no one could get along with either of you or you were made for each other.
That said you don't want to go over to her place & break down (which she would probably love), but stand up on your hind legs & win her back like a man! Now you don't have to act like Marlon Brando in the Wild One, but he was a cool cat, do you have a motorcycle? Scratch that just act detached & like life is good, because it is & if she wants the good life then maybe you'll let her back into your life.
Just think it, don't say it or you will lose her forever.
If it was in the stars that you two were met to be together then so be it enjoy her company & if you have one of your buddies tells you I want to get my ex girlfriend back.
Point him to this article & tell him it worked for you.
They don't call me Dr.
Love but I helped you didn't I, above all else don't take yourself too serious.
It always works out in the end, if you need more pointers...
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