Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Matt Gavenda from, and today we're going to show you how to do pixel art in Photoshop. First, we're going to open up Photoshop. So here, I'm going to open up Adobe Photoshop CS4. So, once you have Photoshop opened, you're going to go and you're going to make a new file, and we're going to call this "Pixel Art," and we're going to make it, actually we're going to make this pretty small because pixel art is very small. So, we're going to make this 25 pixels by 25 pixels at 72 DPI. So, this is a very small file. What we'll do is we will make this full screen so you can see what you're doing. So now, we're looking at this, and what you want to do is you want to go in and grab your pencil tool, which is over here on the left. You're going to see the brush, and you're going to go over to the pencil tool. So, once you have that, we're going to go over to the color picker here, which it's in a light gray. We're going to make it black. Once we make it black, we're going to go in, and we're going to make a face of someone, we're going to make a face of some pixel art. So, we're going to start the head, come down. We're going to make that the nose, go in for the mouth and bring this back out again. We're going to do a nice, big chin, and then this is the body. We're basically just kind of working with what's here. Alright, alright, there's the eye and you can see the nose there and the chin and the mouth, and we're going to give him some hair. And as you can see, this is a very minimalist kind of art, but my picture here is it's of an old guy, and he's holding a cane. This is Matt Gavenda from That was how you make pixel art in Photoshop.