Break ups often leave the wounded hurt and afraid. Amidst the loneliness, a spark of hope that the relationship might be saved usually presents the question, How can I get my ex back? The pain may subside if one truly believes that the relationship still has some renewal and continuation, that it really isn't over yet. A little sunlight descends!
There are 4 ways to confidently answer the question, How can I get my ex back?
There are 4 ways to confidently answer the question, How can I get my ex back?
- Don't hide out. Stay active socially so your ex will become aware that folks appreciate you and dig hanging around you. Let well wishers and friends show their love for you. Be a friend to others, reach out and go out. Your ex will notice that others see you in a positive way. If getting your ex back is your primary focus, this is one of the best ways to let your ex notice you in a fresh way.
- Be upbeat, optimistic and confident in your attitude. This translates into being of good cheer to yourself and others. At first it may seem tough to do, but in the long run it will help you to remove the strain of the break up. It also attracts the confidence in you from others. Your ex will not be getting the best of you, but he or she sure will notice your confident attitude.
- Lookin' great never hurts. Check out your appearance. Look at all the details - hair, clothes, shoes, the way you move (walk), even the way you speak. Maintain the healthy, confident appearance. Add more smile to the spoken word. The more confident your appearance is, the more attractive you will be to your ex and yourself. He or she may have a double think (like a double take) when seeing you appear confident. He or she will be more interested in the confident you, and not feel sympathetic toward you.
- Let your ex get inspired to get back with you. Do this by using the above methods, and avoid trying to make him/her jealous. It's difficult to keep any communication going when jealousy rears it's unattractive bad attitude.