You were together and you had great times as a couple.
But you are now broken up and you feel that life really sucks.
Most people would succumb to their sadness and think of ways and means to get back together with their ex.
If you are thinking somewhere along those same lines, you really should do some soul searching and figure out if that is really what you want.
Emotions are hard to define but here is where you need to be more logical than anything else.
Ask yourself why you want to get back together with your ex and be honest in your answer.
Look back on the times that you spent with him and remember the good as well as the bad.
Only then can you objectively make the correct decision.
First off, was your relationship an abusive one? Remember that abuse is not just the physical act of beating someone, but could encompass mental torture as well.
If the both of you fought more than anything else, maybe you shouldn't even be contemplating getting back together with him.
Trust me, you are sure to find someone more suitable for you! Now, if you had a happy relationship worth salvaging, don't start being obsessed with your ex.
The last thing you want to do is to scare him away.
Instead, give him space and time to think.
If it is your fault that the relationship did not work out, then think of how you can change your ways and show your ex that you are a different person now.
It is definitely going to be hard work because you are working towards building something that might even be severely broken.
However, with time and patience and understanding, you just might convince your ex that what the both of you had should not be cast away just like that.
But you are now broken up and you feel that life really sucks.
Most people would succumb to their sadness and think of ways and means to get back together with their ex.
If you are thinking somewhere along those same lines, you really should do some soul searching and figure out if that is really what you want.
Emotions are hard to define but here is where you need to be more logical than anything else.
Ask yourself why you want to get back together with your ex and be honest in your answer.
Look back on the times that you spent with him and remember the good as well as the bad.
Only then can you objectively make the correct decision.
First off, was your relationship an abusive one? Remember that abuse is not just the physical act of beating someone, but could encompass mental torture as well.
If the both of you fought more than anything else, maybe you shouldn't even be contemplating getting back together with him.
Trust me, you are sure to find someone more suitable for you! Now, if you had a happy relationship worth salvaging, don't start being obsessed with your ex.
The last thing you want to do is to scare him away.
Instead, give him space and time to think.
If it is your fault that the relationship did not work out, then think of how you can change your ways and show your ex that you are a different person now.
It is definitely going to be hard work because you are working towards building something that might even be severely broken.
However, with time and patience and understanding, you just might convince your ex that what the both of you had should not be cast away just like that.