- 1). Spread your T-shirt out onto a piece of cardboard. Smooth the sleeves flat and straight.
- 2). Pin the edges of the sleeves down to the cardboard with stick pins. If you don't have cardboard large enough for the entire shirt, just pin down one sleeve at a time.
- 3). Choose a stencil for the T-shirt. Sleeve stencils should be narrow with large details. Floral vines, simple scrollwork, koi fish, feathers and butterfly borders work well. You may also choose letters for personal messages or a simple stripe.
- 4). Place the stencil on the sleeve, matching the outer edges of the stencil to the edges of the sleeve. The stencil must line up with the sleeve or the design will be crooked.
- 5). Tape down the corners of the stencil, checking that the inside edges of the design are flush against the fabric.
- 6). Get just a little fabric paint on your sponge brush and press it straight down onto the stencil. Lift the brush straight up, get more paint, and repeat. Continue until the entire design is filled.
- 7). Wait 12 hours for the design to dry. Remove the stencil slowly and put on the shirt. Some of the paint may make the sleeves stick together; gently push your arms through the sleeves to unstick them.