Have you just experienced a break up and are wondering now how to get your ex girlfriend back to you? You may have been playing the victim recently but now is the time to put that behind you and work on getter her back.
You may not be able to turn back time as such, but if you consider what went wrong before then this is a good starting point.
You can and should learn from past mistakes.
Perhaps your break up was caused by a single traumatic event or maybe it was building up over a longer period of time.
To focus on where you went wrong is now the way forward.
Even if getting back with your ex is not going to happen, its good to have the knowledge so you are aware of it in future.
You need to stay strong and appear that you are handling things just fine, even though you probably are not.
Its no good being seen as needy and week as this will be off-putting.
Play out being the strong guy here.
If you try to make your ex girlfriend jealous or are just trying to get back at her for her wrong-doings then you are going about things the wrong way.
They will feel that you have moved on if you do this and the probability then is that they will do the same.
While you are keen to let your ex see you are just fine and well, you do not wish them to move on from you completely.
What you must do is to give a "performance" of confidence and well-being, while at the same time make it subtly clear you are still open to getting back together again.
So you see that the question of how to get your ex girlfriend back may not necessarily be an impossible one to tackle after all.
You may not be able to turn back time as such, but if you consider what went wrong before then this is a good starting point.
You can and should learn from past mistakes.
Perhaps your break up was caused by a single traumatic event or maybe it was building up over a longer period of time.
To focus on where you went wrong is now the way forward.
Even if getting back with your ex is not going to happen, its good to have the knowledge so you are aware of it in future.
You need to stay strong and appear that you are handling things just fine, even though you probably are not.
Its no good being seen as needy and week as this will be off-putting.
Play out being the strong guy here.
If you try to make your ex girlfriend jealous or are just trying to get back at her for her wrong-doings then you are going about things the wrong way.
They will feel that you have moved on if you do this and the probability then is that they will do the same.
While you are keen to let your ex see you are just fine and well, you do not wish them to move on from you completely.
What you must do is to give a "performance" of confidence and well-being, while at the same time make it subtly clear you are still open to getting back together again.
So you see that the question of how to get your ex girlfriend back may not necessarily be an impossible one to tackle after all.