- 1). Go to the "Start" menu, click on "Run" and type "regedit" at the command prompt. The Registry Editor window opens up.
- 2). Select the hive that corresponds to the place you wish to create the Registry entry. For example, to access Microsoft'ts Security Center expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive, expand the SOFTWARE key > "Microsoft", then click on "Security Center."
The contents of the Windows Security Center display on the right pane. - 3). Right-click on an empty space on the right-pane. A drop-down menu opens up with a list of options of items to create.
- 4). Click on one of the drop-own menu options. The options include "Key," "String Value Binary Value," "DWORD Value," "Multi-String Value" and "Expandable String Value."
The new key or value will display within the list in the Security Center folder. - 5). Right-click on the new key or value you created and select "Rename" from the drop-down menu. Enter the desired name when it displays highlighted.
- 6). Double-click on the new key or value you just created. A dialog box opens up.
Enter the necessary data under the value text field or body, for binary and other values. Click "OK."
Note: Registry Entries or .Reg files have a precise syntax to be followed in order to work properly. This varies between Windows operating systems. See the Resources section of this article for a direct link on this. - 7). Restart your computer.
Create a Registry Entry