- 1). Create two side rails for the drawer if they were not included in your drawer casing to ensure stability of the drawer. Use a 1 by 3 cut to size and place it inside the frame on the area that you will be placing the drawer guide. Make sure that they are the length of the drawer and even on both sides. Attach the side rails with screws.
- 2). Mark a straight line with a level on the side rails. Line up the appropriate drawer guide and mark the screw holes through the drawer guide. Make sure the wheel of the guide is facing out and that it is level.
- 3). Drill the holes and then install the guides by matching up the pre-drilled holes. Use screws to ensure a secure hold.
- 4). Attach the sliders to the drawer by aligning them with the back end of the drawer. Make sure that the rollers are at the end of the drawer.
- 5). Screw in the appropriate screws and attach the slides to the drawer. Test the drawer by placing it into the drawer casing. Place the rollers on top of the drawer guide rollers. Make any adjustments to the drawer guide to ensure a tight, yet smooth slide.
- 1). Align the rear mounting socket with the center of the front of the drawer. Measure to ensure that the slide will be level.
- 2). Insert the bottom part of the slide into the rear mounting socket.
- 3). Place the top part of the slide onto the bottom of the drawer aligning it directly with the center of the front drawer.
- 4). Insert the drawer into the drawer casing.
- 5). Test the drawer a few times to make sure that is has a tight, yet smooth slide.
Installing kitchen drawers with side sliders
Installing kitchen drawers with center mount sliders