So you're trying to get over a painful breakup and after much soul searching have decided you'd like to get your man back...
but how do you do this? I'm constantly hearing from frustrated women who are on the verge of giving up.
Does this describe your situation? There is no reason to give up...
with the proper guidance and planning you can greatly increase the chances of getting back together with him.
How To Get Over A Breakup Accepting that this is happening is the first step towards healing.
Acceptance helps you stay grounded and keeps you from becoming frantic.
Accept that you are going to go through a certain degree of emotional grief instead of fighting it.
You should feel a "release" right away and this will bring you some relief.
Accepting that there are things you can change and certain things you can't is part of saving a relationship.
How To Get Him Back...
What Not To Do It's easy to fall into "panic mode" and start doing things that seem clingy, pushy and/or desperate.
If he senses that you're throwing yourself at him, it's likely he will put up an emotional wall.
Trying to talk him into taking you back, promising you'll change, showing up where he is and so on, these are all examples of behaviors that will tend to push him away.
A Better Way...
It's better to back off and give the relationship a break.
Backing off relieves any pressure he might have been feeling.
This allows him time to miss you.
How can he miss you if you won't leave him alone? He will start coming to you on his own now that you're no longer making yourself so available.
Needless to say you're going to have to do more than just give him space if you want to get your man back.
This is a crucial first step however and will help balance the dynamic between you two so you don't fall into the endless cycle of you constantly chasing him and getting rejected.
Be careful not to go back to your old fear-based behaviors.
You're trying to figure out how to get over a broken heart, so it's understandable that your emotions may try to lead your actions.
That's why it's so important to have solid guidance that can lead you through this and keep you on track to a successful reunion
but how do you do this? I'm constantly hearing from frustrated women who are on the verge of giving up.
Does this describe your situation? There is no reason to give up...
with the proper guidance and planning you can greatly increase the chances of getting back together with him.
How To Get Over A Breakup Accepting that this is happening is the first step towards healing.
Acceptance helps you stay grounded and keeps you from becoming frantic.
Accept that you are going to go through a certain degree of emotional grief instead of fighting it.
You should feel a "release" right away and this will bring you some relief.
Accepting that there are things you can change and certain things you can't is part of saving a relationship.
How To Get Him Back...
What Not To Do It's easy to fall into "panic mode" and start doing things that seem clingy, pushy and/or desperate.
If he senses that you're throwing yourself at him, it's likely he will put up an emotional wall.
Trying to talk him into taking you back, promising you'll change, showing up where he is and so on, these are all examples of behaviors that will tend to push him away.
A Better Way...
It's better to back off and give the relationship a break.
Backing off relieves any pressure he might have been feeling.
This allows him time to miss you.
How can he miss you if you won't leave him alone? He will start coming to you on his own now that you're no longer making yourself so available.
Needless to say you're going to have to do more than just give him space if you want to get your man back.
This is a crucial first step however and will help balance the dynamic between you two so you don't fall into the endless cycle of you constantly chasing him and getting rejected.
Be careful not to go back to your old fear-based behaviors.
You're trying to figure out how to get over a broken heart, so it's understandable that your emotions may try to lead your actions.
That's why it's so important to have solid guidance that can lead you through this and keep you on track to a successful reunion