The no contact rule is really a fantastic method to try to get your ex back after your break up.
Applying this method to get back together again will benefit you in two ways.
First of all, because you are having absolutely no contact with your ex whatsoever after your break up, you are also giving both yourself and your ex time to get over the trauma of the terrible break up you went through.
Secondly, and this is really important, is that using the no contact rule is so effective, that it will eventually have your ex making contact with you! Now you might ask how on earth can having no contact with your ex at all have such amazing results? It's simple really.
You see, your ex might be really angry with you right now, but give him/her a little time away from you and these feelings will change dramatically.
Your ex will start missing you and will start thinking about making contact with you to try to sort things out.
So, right now, do nothing at all to contact your ex.
This means no calls, no text messages, and no emails either.
Also, you will more than likely see a lot of your friends for a while, seeing that you are single again, and you must be careful what you say to them as well.
In fact, don't even mention your ex or the break up to them.
If they ask you about it, then just tell them that you have put that all behind you, and have decided to get on with your life.
Even this little thing that you have just said will get back to your ex, but this is a good thing - this is precisely why you are applying the no contact rule to get your ex back.
Your ex won't like the idea at all that you seem to have written him/her and your failed relationship off so quickly.
Of course your friends won't be able to answer any questions that your ex might as them, because they simply don't know.
This is when the no contact rule proves how great it is.
Your ex can't make contact with you by sending messages or trying to call you, so the obvious thing to do is to see you in person to find out what is going on.
What else can your ex do but come to your house to talk to you directly?
Applying this method to get back together again will benefit you in two ways.
First of all, because you are having absolutely no contact with your ex whatsoever after your break up, you are also giving both yourself and your ex time to get over the trauma of the terrible break up you went through.
Secondly, and this is really important, is that using the no contact rule is so effective, that it will eventually have your ex making contact with you! Now you might ask how on earth can having no contact with your ex at all have such amazing results? It's simple really.
You see, your ex might be really angry with you right now, but give him/her a little time away from you and these feelings will change dramatically.
Your ex will start missing you and will start thinking about making contact with you to try to sort things out.
So, right now, do nothing at all to contact your ex.
This means no calls, no text messages, and no emails either.
Also, you will more than likely see a lot of your friends for a while, seeing that you are single again, and you must be careful what you say to them as well.
In fact, don't even mention your ex or the break up to them.
If they ask you about it, then just tell them that you have put that all behind you, and have decided to get on with your life.
Even this little thing that you have just said will get back to your ex, but this is a good thing - this is precisely why you are applying the no contact rule to get your ex back.
Your ex won't like the idea at all that you seem to have written him/her and your failed relationship off so quickly.
Of course your friends won't be able to answer any questions that your ex might as them, because they simply don't know.
This is when the no contact rule proves how great it is.
Your ex can't make contact with you by sending messages or trying to call you, so the obvious thing to do is to see you in person to find out what is going on.
What else can your ex do but come to your house to talk to you directly?