One of the most effective techniques used as a means to get your ex back is the No Contact Rule.
The no contact rule is as simple as it sounds--no contact (including but not limited to phone contact, text messaging or email) with your ex following a relationship breakup.
Depending upon who you speak with, it might be said that there are several variations to this rule.
However, by not following the no contact rule the way in which it is intended, your relationship might be damaged even further with you and your ex driven permanently apart! It is truly in your best interest not to be in contact with your ex during such a vulnerable time.
If you bend the rule in a weak or desperate moment, you are simply setting yourself up for disaster.
Let me paint a picture to help illustrate why this is so important.
Heart broken over your break up and pushed over the edge by panic or a sense of hopelessness, you pick up the phone to talk with your ex about what you are feeling.
After all they have always seemed to help you through the toughest of times and this doesn't seem to be any different.
Ultimately one word leads to another and before you know it, you are begging and pleading for your ex to take you back...
If you don't think it can happen to you, take it from one who knows...
once the words pass your lips, it's impossible to them back.
Contacting your ex in this way only confirms their belief that breaking up with you was the right thing to do.
After all, who wants to be with someone who is behaving in such a pathetic manner with no apparent self esteem! This doesn't mean that what they are thinking about you is true.
This belief is purely based on a perception created by your actions in a moment of vulnerability.
By strictly following the No Contact Rule, two things can happen 1.
) Emotional Healing A breakup can be a pretty traumatic and confusing time.
Especially in the case of a long term relationship, it can feel like your whole world is turned upside down with your first thought being how to get your ex back.
At this stage it's impossible to know if this is something you really want or simply a reaction driven out of fear of the unknown.
It doesn't help that your self confidence might be a little lacking right now either, so it is critical that you take a little time out for you.
During this time, do a little soul searching and be extra kind to yourself.
Go out and have a little fun with friends or family you may have not seen for a while.
Get your hair done or add a few new pieces to your wardrobe.
These are almost instant pick me ups and can help boost your self confidence in no time! Nature is one of the best ways to reconnect with your inner self -- take your dog for a walk, work in the garden, or take a long drive.
If you are feeling a little out of shape, begin an exercise program at home or dust off your gym membership if you have one.
Besides helping you feel and look better, these are also excellent distractions to help keep on track with the no contact rule.
) Creating space for your ex to miss you By practicing the no contact rule, your ex might actually begin to miss you.
This cannot happen if you are constantly calling them on the phone or pounding out text messages.
If your relationship was a solid one, fond memories will resurface as the bad ones begin to fade.
Soon enough, curiosity will set in and your ex may even begin thinking about old times and wonder what you are up to.
Imagine if they were to find you looking all toned up-- refreshed and revitalized! Get the picture?
The no contact rule is as simple as it sounds--no contact (including but not limited to phone contact, text messaging or email) with your ex following a relationship breakup.
Depending upon who you speak with, it might be said that there are several variations to this rule.
However, by not following the no contact rule the way in which it is intended, your relationship might be damaged even further with you and your ex driven permanently apart! It is truly in your best interest not to be in contact with your ex during such a vulnerable time.
If you bend the rule in a weak or desperate moment, you are simply setting yourself up for disaster.
Let me paint a picture to help illustrate why this is so important.
Heart broken over your break up and pushed over the edge by panic or a sense of hopelessness, you pick up the phone to talk with your ex about what you are feeling.
After all they have always seemed to help you through the toughest of times and this doesn't seem to be any different.
Ultimately one word leads to another and before you know it, you are begging and pleading for your ex to take you back...
If you don't think it can happen to you, take it from one who knows...
once the words pass your lips, it's impossible to them back.
Contacting your ex in this way only confirms their belief that breaking up with you was the right thing to do.
After all, who wants to be with someone who is behaving in such a pathetic manner with no apparent self esteem! This doesn't mean that what they are thinking about you is true.
This belief is purely based on a perception created by your actions in a moment of vulnerability.
By strictly following the No Contact Rule, two things can happen 1.
) Emotional Healing A breakup can be a pretty traumatic and confusing time.
Especially in the case of a long term relationship, it can feel like your whole world is turned upside down with your first thought being how to get your ex back.
At this stage it's impossible to know if this is something you really want or simply a reaction driven out of fear of the unknown.
It doesn't help that your self confidence might be a little lacking right now either, so it is critical that you take a little time out for you.
During this time, do a little soul searching and be extra kind to yourself.
Go out and have a little fun with friends or family you may have not seen for a while.
Get your hair done or add a few new pieces to your wardrobe.
These are almost instant pick me ups and can help boost your self confidence in no time! Nature is one of the best ways to reconnect with your inner self -- take your dog for a walk, work in the garden, or take a long drive.
If you are feeling a little out of shape, begin an exercise program at home or dust off your gym membership if you have one.
Besides helping you feel and look better, these are also excellent distractions to help keep on track with the no contact rule.
) Creating space for your ex to miss you By practicing the no contact rule, your ex might actually begin to miss you.
This cannot happen if you are constantly calling them on the phone or pounding out text messages.
If your relationship was a solid one, fond memories will resurface as the bad ones begin to fade.
Soon enough, curiosity will set in and your ex may even begin thinking about old times and wonder what you are up to.
Imagine if they were to find you looking all toned up-- refreshed and revitalized! Get the picture?