If your ex broke up with you and you will like to make them miss you so much that they will want to come back for you, it is very possible.
This write up is designed to help you in this regard.
By the time you have read through, you would have discovered what to do and what not to do to make your ex miss you and want to return to you.
As an individual, there are certain things you will need to do to make your ex miss you so much that they will like to come back for you.
If you have been trying to call your ex immediately after the break up, I want to intimate you with the fact that your effort will achieve nothing tangible.
Your ex will still be somewhat angry after the break up.
They will not be able to offer anything tangible to you, at least for now.
The best way ever to make anyone miss you is to make yourself rarely available.
Give yourself a break and give your ex too a break.
Both of you really need it.
This break period will enable the two of you to be able to appreciate each other more.
It will give your ex the opportunity to reflect on what happened between the two of you.
The healing balm of time would have been able to heal the painful aspect of what transpired.
They may even see their breaking up with you as an overkill and absolutely unnecessary.
When they notice that your calls are not coming consistently as before, they will be forced to remember those good times the two of you have shared and they will want a repeat.
This will make them miss you so much that they will like to remake contact with you.
You shouldn't just sit; expecting a miracle.
You should try to reflect on what happened between the two of you and try to make all the necessary corrections that are needed in your life.
This write up is designed to help you in this regard.
By the time you have read through, you would have discovered what to do and what not to do to make your ex miss you and want to return to you.
As an individual, there are certain things you will need to do to make your ex miss you so much that they will like to come back for you.
If you have been trying to call your ex immediately after the break up, I want to intimate you with the fact that your effort will achieve nothing tangible.
Your ex will still be somewhat angry after the break up.
They will not be able to offer anything tangible to you, at least for now.
The best way ever to make anyone miss you is to make yourself rarely available.
Give yourself a break and give your ex too a break.
Both of you really need it.
This break period will enable the two of you to be able to appreciate each other more.
It will give your ex the opportunity to reflect on what happened between the two of you.
The healing balm of time would have been able to heal the painful aspect of what transpired.
They may even see their breaking up with you as an overkill and absolutely unnecessary.
When they notice that your calls are not coming consistently as before, they will be forced to remember those good times the two of you have shared and they will want a repeat.
This will make them miss you so much that they will like to remake contact with you.
You shouldn't just sit; expecting a miracle.
You should try to reflect on what happened between the two of you and try to make all the necessary corrections that are needed in your life.