After your split do you find yourself saying - I want my ex husband back? Well as you know there are many theories on how you should do this.
But most of them involve strange head games.
Lets say by some miracle a weird head fake actually works and you get him back.
Now your relationship is based on a shaky and false foundation.
You have set yourself up for more heart ache when it all comes crashing down.
This article is a fool proof way to do it right.
Maybe send the same email to a bunch of friends including your husband and it could be an interesting article, picture or a funny video on YouTube.
Do not make contact and spill your emotional guts.
Keep your cards close to your chest.
You do not want to come over as needy and desperate at this stage so keep everything nice and cool right now.
So make sure you concentrate on yourself a little.
Maybe this could be catching up with old friends, buying a few new outfits or getting your hair done.
Actually it has a huge impact on a guy when he sees his ex with a killer new hair style, a few pounds lighter and looking as radiant as ever.
Do you think that will bring back a few good memories for him?
But most of them involve strange head games.
Lets say by some miracle a weird head fake actually works and you get him back.
Now your relationship is based on a shaky and false foundation.
You have set yourself up for more heart ache when it all comes crashing down.
This article is a fool proof way to do it right.
- Firstly just cool off for a second.
Don't keep texting him a dozen times a day.
For now stick to this game plan and just call him once or twice a week to keep the communication doors open.
Do call on important days, like birthdays.
Maybe send the same email to a bunch of friends including your husband and it could be an interesting article, picture or a funny video on YouTube.
- Ok, the next one is a little difficult.
If your split is very serious you may find your ex husband is dating another woman.
Don't panic or get too jealous here.
It's totally natural, he is still going to want some companionship.
Instead use this a little sniper technique.
See what kind of women he is dating, what features or good points do they have.
If he goes for a certain type of woman can you get or do you have the same qualities.
It's like an insider tip to see what he is after.
Do not make contact and spill your emotional guts.
Keep your cards close to your chest.
You do not want to come over as needy and desperate at this stage so keep everything nice and cool right now.
- There will come a time when this is appropriate to tell him how you feel.
but now this is not it.
So make sure you concentrate on yourself a little.
Maybe this could be catching up with old friends, buying a few new outfits or getting your hair done.
Actually it has a huge impact on a guy when he sees his ex with a killer new hair style, a few pounds lighter and looking as radiant as ever.
Do you think that will bring back a few good memories for him?