- Supplements help increase endurance and muscle growth.Dkal Inc./Digital Vision/Getty Images
Muscle building supplements are designed to increase energy levels in the body and prevent naturally occurring substances from depleting. The supplements help increase endurance and strength by stimulating the amount of muscle building substances in the body -- such as creatine, L-glutamine and amino acids. If you're considering taking a muscle building supplement you should consult with your doctor about possible side-effects. Any reactions or health problems should immediately be reported to a health care professional. - While creatine is a naturally produced substance in the human body, creatine supplements are used to gain muscle and improve athletic performance. The supplement is available in powder or capsule form and increases strength by providing additional energy to the muscles and nerve cells when working out. When individuals are lifting weights or sprinting, they are using a substance in the body called adenosine triphosphate, ATP, to fuel muscle contractions. Creatine increases the amount of ATP in the body and prevents lactic acid from building up, allowing you to workout harder and for longer periods of time. According to the Mayo Clinic, creatine may cause cramping, nausea and dizziness. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use this supplement.
- Whey Protein is a high quality protein powder that comes from cow's milk and is used in supplements to stimulate muscle growth. The powder is mixed with a liquid substance such as water or milk, and can be taken before or after a workout. Protein levels are depleted as you workout -- and whey protein supplements offer a combination of amino acids that help build muscle, reduce muscle deterioration and enhance endurance. While many studies consider whey protein to be a safe supplement, long-term effects are unknown. Possible side effects may include allergic reactions, kidney and liver damage, and development of osteoporosis.
- L-glutamine is an amino acid found in human muscles and is necessary for muscle building. During strenuous activities, such as lifting weights, L-glutamine begins to deplete and prevents additional muscle growth. An L-glutamine supplement helps repair and build muscles by replenishing glutamine levels during a workout. While there are no adverse side effects of taking an L-glutamine supplement, taking more then the recommended amounts can lead to an upset stomach.
Whey Protein