Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Tom with Stout Landscape Design, and today I'm going to show you how to place some boulders in the landscape to help with the contrast, to help play off the plants and create a bit of a more natural feel. These boulders are really great because they have some really nice; they're lateral lines, and one of them has a big hole in it, so it's a really cool, interesting feature that we'll put on this side, in this area of this palm tree. So, in this section here, we're going to add three of them in a group. This is going to be one group of three, and then over here we're going to have the boulder that has the hole in it on this side. And then basically, it's basically going to be a down in this level, in through here, we're going to have some other plantings around the base of it to tie it in. It will add some, the whiteness of the boulders will add some good contrast against the trunk of the tree, and it will also add some, you know, make it feel a little more Earthy and natural for this garden. One thing that's very important to do, whenever you put these boulders in, you get them placed so that they're arranged in a way that the three of them, they relate to each other and they tie in really well or just a one specimen boulder that's by itself, it's faced so that the whole or the striations in it are at an angle that you can see from the sidewalk. And after you get those placed, then you want to dig them down anywhere from two to six inches deep into the Earth so they look like they're grounded and they feel like they're coming from the Earth. I'm Tom, and that's how you use stone to complement your landscape.