Has your girl broken up with you and you're doing everything in your power to get her back? Are you going crazy trying to figure her out and figure out what you can do to get her to change her mind and come back to you? Does she say that she isn't going to change her mind and that she is through with you? First, relax and listen up! It is absolutely possible to get your ex back and turn things around even if you think that things are completely hopeless.
Freaking out and trying to convince her to give you a second chance are definite relationship killers and they will only lengthen the amount of time it is going to take to get her back.
No amount of talking or convincing is going to change her mind but there are things that you can do starting today to improve your chances of getting her back.
Time - I know that it's tough waiting around and you want to feel that you're actually doing something to get her back but if you've been pushing her a lot to talk or think about getting back together the best thing that you can do is to cut off communication with her for a while.
I'm not saying that you never talk to her again or avoid her.
Just give her a little bit of time to forget the garbage that happened before the breakup and since the breakup.
Often, if you just let her sit for a bit and begin to miss you she will be more receptive to what we have planned.
You might worry that she's going to go off with some other guy or that she will think that you don't care any more and move on to another guy but there are ways to get her back even if this happens.
But giving her some time and space to miss you and for the dust to settle is very important if you've been pushing her a lot to get back together.
Emotions - As you know, women are emotional creatures and you key to getting your ex back is in knowing what to say and what to do to get her to think about you and dream about you again.
You want her to feel those emotions that all women want to feel when she thinks of you, don't you? You want her to light up when she sees you and you want to hear that happiness in her voice when she picks up the phone.
Without that you stand little to no chance of getting her back.
But how do you get her to go from being ticked off to being emotionally attached to you again? The secret is in what you say to her and how you say it when you do get back in touch with her again.
Once you learn how to lead a woman emotionally it is no longer an issue of convincing her to come back to you.
She will be the one wanting you back and begging to spend time with you.
She will be the one wanting to get back together and you will have all the power in the relationship.
So, forget about all the plans out there that tell you to be nice to her or to write her a love letter or buy her a nice gift.
You will only make things worse and come off as weak and needy.
But once you learn how to get inside her head and move her emotionally you will see a profound and powerful change in her attitude and getting her back won't be a problem that you have to think about ever again because she's never going to want to leave you.
Freaking out and trying to convince her to give you a second chance are definite relationship killers and they will only lengthen the amount of time it is going to take to get her back.
No amount of talking or convincing is going to change her mind but there are things that you can do starting today to improve your chances of getting her back.
Time - I know that it's tough waiting around and you want to feel that you're actually doing something to get her back but if you've been pushing her a lot to talk or think about getting back together the best thing that you can do is to cut off communication with her for a while.
I'm not saying that you never talk to her again or avoid her.
Just give her a little bit of time to forget the garbage that happened before the breakup and since the breakup.
Often, if you just let her sit for a bit and begin to miss you she will be more receptive to what we have planned.
You might worry that she's going to go off with some other guy or that she will think that you don't care any more and move on to another guy but there are ways to get her back even if this happens.
But giving her some time and space to miss you and for the dust to settle is very important if you've been pushing her a lot to get back together.
Emotions - As you know, women are emotional creatures and you key to getting your ex back is in knowing what to say and what to do to get her to think about you and dream about you again.
You want her to feel those emotions that all women want to feel when she thinks of you, don't you? You want her to light up when she sees you and you want to hear that happiness in her voice when she picks up the phone.
Without that you stand little to no chance of getting her back.
But how do you get her to go from being ticked off to being emotionally attached to you again? The secret is in what you say to her and how you say it when you do get back in touch with her again.
Once you learn how to lead a woman emotionally it is no longer an issue of convincing her to come back to you.
She will be the one wanting you back and begging to spend time with you.
She will be the one wanting to get back together and you will have all the power in the relationship.
So, forget about all the plans out there that tell you to be nice to her or to write her a love letter or buy her a nice gift.
You will only make things worse and come off as weak and needy.
But once you learn how to get inside her head and move her emotionally you will see a profound and powerful change in her attitude and getting her back won't be a problem that you have to think about ever again because she's never going to want to leave you.