- 1). Click the "My Maps" tab in Google Maps. Choose "Create new map" or, if you have no existing maps, choose "Get Started." If you see a log-in screen, create a free Google account by choosing "Create an account now" and following the online instructions. After you are logged in to Google, enter a name for the new map in the "Title" field and a description in the "Description" field. Choose to have this map "Unlisted" (private) or "Public" (available to everyone). Click "Save."
- 2). Locate placemarks on the new map. For example, if you were planning a wedding, you would want to create a route to all the locations for the wedding guests by creating placemarks for the ceremony, photo session and reception. Click the blue balloon on the top of the map (the placemark) and move the mouse to the first location. Click again to lock the placemark on the map. A title and description window will open; add these fields and press "Save." Continue with this method and position the rest of the placemarks. Each placemark you add will show on the left side of the map.
- 3). Use the Google line tool to draw the selected route. Click the icon above the map that looks like a jagged line; your cursor will change to a large "X." Click below the first placemark to begin drawing the route and click the mouse at each intersection. Each click of the mouse will leave a route box. Click the final route box and open the edit window. Name the map route in the "Title" field. Click "Done" on the left to save the map with the new route.
- 4). Click the "Link" icon on the top right of the map. Right-click on the now visible HTML address and select "Copy" from the list of options. Open a new browser window and go to TakItWithMe (see Resources). In the "Paste in Your Google My Maps URL" field, right-click and choose "Paste" to enter the link you just copied from Google Maps. Click "Load my map," and the newly created map with routes and placemarks will show in the window.
- 5). Plug the GPS into the computer using the communication cable (USB cable) and power on the GPS. If the GPS is a Garmin, and you have not installed the Garmin plug-in, a prompt to install it will show. When TakItWithMe requests authorization to contact the GPS, choose "Yes." When the upload is complete, the placemarks you created in Google Maps will be available as new waypoints in the GPS waypoint menu. The routes you created will be available as new routes in the GPS route menu.
- 6). Select "Download GPX" if the GPS is not a Garmin. GPX is a standard GPS exchange format for waypoints, routes or tracks and is compatible with many GPS devices and software. Choose "Save to Disk" and use the GPS software to upload the GPX file. Like the Garmin, the placemarks you created in Google Maps will be available as new waypoints in the GPS menu, and the routes will be available as new routes in the GPS route menu.