- 1). Measure each room in which Ditra will be installed with a tape measure. Sizable rooms will require a longer tape measure to easily gain an accurate measurement. Make a note of the length and width of each room so the total room sizes can be added. Multiply the length of each room by the width of each room to find the square footage. Add the total square footage of the rooms to find the grand total.
- 2). Remove existing flooring in each room that Dirta will be installed. The subfloor must be clean and level before applying Ditra. Unroll a length of Ditra across the length of the first room. Cut the first piece of Dirta to length. Mark the placement of the Ditra on the subfloor with a pencil.
- 3). Mix a batch of unmodified thinset to a consistency slightly thinner than the consistency of peanut butter. Spread a layer of thinset over the subfloor with a 3/16-by-¼-inch V-notch trowel where the first strip of Dirta was laid previously, using the pencil mark as a guide.
- 4). Unroll the Ditra so the white fleece side faces the thinset. Embed the Ditra into the thinset with a wood float or the flat side of a thinset trowel.
- 5). Repeat Steps 2 through 4 until the subfloor in each room is covered with Ditra. Butt each subsequent strip of Ditra against previously laid strips. Tile can be laid over the Ditra layer immediately after it is laid.