- 1). Observe a live subject in the preferred sleeping position or a photo of a sleeping women. Focus on the actual shape of the position and how the woman's joints are bent. Take a sharp pencil and very lightly sketch the outline, using long graceful lines that accentuate the curves of the body. Do not focus on details during this phase, but only the lines that create the basic human form shape.
- 2). Draw whatever the woman is sleeping on around the finished form. This will enable you to adjust the item, whether it be a couch, bed or floor, to support the woman's form properly.
- 3). Add in additional details to the woman's form, such as hair, clothing or a blanket. Adjust these details to match the positioning of the woman. For example, a woman laying on her side will have all of her hair piled on one side, while a woman laying on her back could have her hair messily strewn about.
- 4). Go over the drawing with darker lines once you are pleased with the final look of it. Do not go over every single line, just the ones that are properly placed and crucial to the drawing.
- 5). Use an eraser to erase all stray and uneven lines.