- 1). Plug your flash drive into a USB port.
- 2). Unmount the flash drive if it automatically mounts itself upon insertion. In a root shell, type "umount /dev/sdb1" without the quotes. If necessary, replace "sdb1" with the name Linux assigns the flash drive.
- 3). Choose a file format for your flash drive. If you plan on occasionally using the drive with a Windows system, you will want a vfat format.
- 4). Type "mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1" without the quotes. This tells the computer you wish to format /dev/sdb1 (the USB drive) with a vfat file system.
- 5). Watch the readouts in your root shell. When it indicates it is done, your drive is formatted.
- 1). Type "gparted" in a root shell.
- 2). Select "/dev/hdb1" from the box in the upper-right corner of the gparted display.
- 3). Unmount the flash drive if gparted indicates it is mounted.
- 4). Right-click on the display line for /dev/sdb1. Select "Format to," then the format you want for your drive.
- 5). Click "Apply."
- 6). Watch the gparted screen. It will let you know when the operation is complete.
Using mkfs
Using gparted