Breakups happen. No relationship can have smooth sailing forever. Some times it takes a little jolt to make you see he is love of your life. There might have been some heated words and accusations exchanged, but you do not want to lose him forever. These expert tips will keep him from slipping away
First of all you have to recognize the fact that some thing has upset your ex boyfriend badly and he needs time to think. You can show him you respect his right to privacy by leaving him alone. But if you panic and stay in his face, you could lose him forever. Show him you love him by your actions instead of words. That is why the first few weeks after a breakup are so crucial.
Before you have any kind of contact with him, you need to get a grip on your emotions and he needs to simmer down. That will take about a month. Which means that you need to find other interests to occupy your time. Think of your own needs instead of obsessing on your ex boyfriend. Your family and friends can be a big help to you at this time. Use their love and support to help regain your confidence.
By taking care of yourself and staying away from your ex, you are allowing him to experience his life without you. He has been accustomed to having you around and he might have been taking you for granted. Suddenly being without you will make him see what an important role you play in his life. It will not be long before he feels as if something is missing and soon he will realize his life is not complete without you in it.
Your ex boyfriend will start to miss you and that will make him see that you might be slipping away from him. This will make him decide to swallow his pride and call you. When you talk to him be cheerful and treat him like an old friend. He will probably suggest that the two of you meet for coffee and have a talk. Go ahead and agree to meet him. Be sure to look your best and have a grip on your emotions.
Your ex boyfriend will be surprised at how you have matured and a little saddened by the fact that you do not seem excited to see him. Let him do most of the talking, but make it clear that you have been enjoying your new independent life style. By doing that, you are showing him that he cannot just walk back into your life. Your ex boyfriend will get the message that he will have to go all out to win back the love of his life.
First of all you have to recognize the fact that some thing has upset your ex boyfriend badly and he needs time to think. You can show him you respect his right to privacy by leaving him alone. But if you panic and stay in his face, you could lose him forever. Show him you love him by your actions instead of words. That is why the first few weeks after a breakup are so crucial.
Before you have any kind of contact with him, you need to get a grip on your emotions and he needs to simmer down. That will take about a month. Which means that you need to find other interests to occupy your time. Think of your own needs instead of obsessing on your ex boyfriend. Your family and friends can be a big help to you at this time. Use their love and support to help regain your confidence.
By taking care of yourself and staying away from your ex, you are allowing him to experience his life without you. He has been accustomed to having you around and he might have been taking you for granted. Suddenly being without you will make him see what an important role you play in his life. It will not be long before he feels as if something is missing and soon he will realize his life is not complete without you in it.
Your ex boyfriend will start to miss you and that will make him see that you might be slipping away from him. This will make him decide to swallow his pride and call you. When you talk to him be cheerful and treat him like an old friend. He will probably suggest that the two of you meet for coffee and have a talk. Go ahead and agree to meet him. Be sure to look your best and have a grip on your emotions.
Your ex boyfriend will be surprised at how you have matured and a little saddened by the fact that you do not seem excited to see him. Let him do most of the talking, but make it clear that you have been enjoying your new independent life style. By doing that, you are showing him that he cannot just walk back into your life. Your ex boyfriend will get the message that he will have to go all out to win back the love of his life.