- A number of different moths infest foods but the most common are the angoumois grain moth, Mediterranean flour moth and Indian meal moth. All of them are small, drab in color and their presence in or near kitchens is usually the first sign of a problem.
- Pantry moths are attracted to dried foods of any kind, like flour, cake mixes, dried pet foods, whole grains, crackers, peas, beans and even dried meats. Their eggs may be present in the foods themselves or on grocery packaging, including paper grocery sacks.
- Moths will feed on dry foods, lay eggs and continue the life cycle. They contaminate foods with their bodies, eggs and by-products.
- A single female moth attached to a grocery item is all that's necessary to begin an infestation. She is capable of laying hundreds of eggs. By the time several moths are seen, the invasion is well underway.
- Ridding the home of pantry moths is a difficult task. Discarding contaminated foods, vacuuming the pantry (especially corners, crevices and tight spaces) along with cleaning and application of insecticides may help.
What They Are
How They Arrive
What They Do